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Keywords:Job analysis 

Journal Article
Jobs after the war

Federal Reserve Bulletin , Issue May

Working Paper
An experimental study of comparable worth

Research Working Paper , Paper 89-11

Journal Article
What's wrong with Houston's job market?

Houston Business , Issue Dec

From professor to policymaker: emerging from the shadow

Presentation to Washington University's Olin School of Business, St. Louis, MO - Nov. 15, 2002
Speech , Paper 40

Working Paper
Job flows, jobless recoveries, and the Great Moderation

This paper uses new data on job creation and job destruction to find evidence of a link between the jobless recoveries of the last two recessions and the recent decline in aggregate volatility known as the Great Moderation. The author finds that the last two recessions are characterized by jobless recoveries that came about through contrasting margins of employment adjustment?a relatively slow decline in job destruction in 1991-92 and persistently low job creation in 2002-03. In manufacturing, he finds that these patterns followed a secular decline in the magnitude of job flows and an abrupt ...
Working Papers , Paper 08-11

Working Paper
Testing optimality in job search models

This paper uses Bayesian techniques to compare three definitions of optimality for the basic job search model: the standard income-maximizing definition, an approximation to the standard definition, and a simple alternative. The important role of prior choice in these comparisons is illustrated. Using natural conjugate priors to represent hypothetical samples of data, we find that the simple alternative is preferred to the standard definition of optimality. However, using priors constructed from findings in the literature, we are able to find some evidence in favor of the standard definition ...
International Finance Discussion Papers , Paper 710

Conference Paper
Job reallocation and the business cycle: new facts for an old debate

Conference Series ; [Proceedings] , Volume 42 , Issue Jun , Pages 271-357

Working Paper
Gross job flows and firms

This paper extends the work of Dunne, Roberts, and Samuelson [3] and Davis, Haltiwanger, and Schuh [2] on gross job flows among manufacturing plants. Gross job creation, destruction, and reallocation have been shown to be important in understanding the birth, growth, and death of plants, and the relation of plant life cycles to the business cycle. However, little is known about job flows between firms or how job flows among plants occur within firms (corporate restructuring). We use information on company organization from the Longitudinal Research Database (LRD) to investigate the ...
Working Papers , Paper 99-10

Journal Article
Human resources needs in the evolving financial sector

As banks, securities houses, and insurance companies offer increasingly similar services, how have their human resource needs changed? An analysis of survey data reveals that all three industries have come to rely more heavily on high-skilled labor; however, the educational and occupational profiles of their workforces have not become substantially more alike.
Current Issues in Economics and Finance , Volume 3 , Issue Nov

Journal Article
Job performance in the mountain metros

This issue of the Rocky Mountain Economist explores the labor market performance of the mountain state metropolitan areas, including recent industry trends and comparisons to state and national job performance.
Rocky Mountain Economist


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