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Journal Article
Water policy in California and Israel

Water policies throughout the world often avoid market-determined allocations. In this article, we focus on case studies of Israel and California. Despite major cultural and political differences, it is found that water is heavilty controlled through similar administrative mechanisms in both areas. Moreover, in both cases, these controls have led to inefficient allocation schemes favoring agriculture at the expense of other uses. This article examines the institutional factors that have led to such controls, and argues that adopting a new regulatory framework similar to that used to ...
Economic Review

Conference Paper
On the fit of a neoclassical monetary model in high inflation: Israel 1972-1990


Journal Article
Profile of Jacob Frenkel

The Region , Issue Dec , Pages 14-22

Journal Article
Adjusting to high inflation: the Israeli experience

Review , Issue May

Does centralized collective bargaining lead to wage restraint? The case of Israel

Research Paper , Paper 8916

Working Paper
Financial innovation and the speed of adjustment of money demand: evidence from Bolivia, Israel, and Venezuela

Traditional studies of money demand for both developed and less developed countries have shown that there are periods of "missing money," that is, there is consistent overprediction of real balances. This paper uses cointegration techniques to study the effects of financial innovation on the demand for real balances in Bolivia, Israel, and Venezuela. The results show that financial innovation can account for the instability of money demand observed in these countries. In particular, I find that the long run demand for real balances shifted down. In addition, I show that the speed at which ...
International Finance Discussion Papers , Paper 567

Conference Paper
Israel's experience with inflation

Proceedings - Economic Policy Symposium - Jackson Hole

Journal Article
Money and inflation in Israel: the transition of an economy to high inflation

Review , Volume 64 , Issue Aug , Pages 28-40

Working Paper
The role of credit in post-stabilization consumption booms

This paper presents an empirical investigation of the role of credit in the post-stabilization consumption booms of Mexico, Chile, and Israel. Credit from the banking sector to the private sector expanded very rapidly following the stabilizations. I show that this increase in credit reduced the proportion of consumers that were liquidity constrained in the economy. This reduction in liquidity constraints could have helped to fuel the observed consumption booms. In addition, I show that the most important channels for the expansion in credit to consumers in Mexico are the rapid remonetization ...
International Finance Discussion Papers , Paper 569


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Israel 10 items

Inflation (Finance) 4 items

Money 2 items

Argentina 1 items

Banks and banking, Central 1 items

Bolivia 1 items

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