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Working Paper
International Aspects of Central Banking : Diplomacy and Coordination
In this paper, we discuss the evolution of central bank interactions since the early 1970s following the breakdown of the managed exchange-rate system that was negotiated at Bretton Woods. We review the most important forums or organizations through which central banks have engaged in diplomacy. We then discuss the mobilization of coordination through diplomacy using three examples over the past 30 years: the Plaza Accord in 1985 negotiated by the G-5; the response to the Asian financial crisis in 1997-98, led by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) with heavy participation from G-7 finance ...
Working Paper
Global Demand for Basket-Backed Stablecoins
We develop a model where persistent trade shocks create demand for a basket- backed stablecoin, such as Mark Carney's "synthetic hegemonic currency" or Facebook's recent proposal for Libra. In numerical simulations, we find four main results. First, because of general equilibrium effects of the basket currency on the volatility of currency values, overall demand for that currency is small. Second, despite scant holdings of the basket, its global reach may contribute to substantial increases in welfare if the basket is widely accepted, allowing it to complement holdings of sovereign ...