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Keywords:International liquidity 

Journal Article
The Federal Reserve's foreign exchange swap lines

The financial crisis that began in August 2007 disrupted U.S. dollar funding markets not only in the United States but also overseas. To address funding pressures internationally, the Federal Reserve introduced a system of reciprocal currency arrangements, or "swap lines," with other central banks. The swap line program, which ended early this year, enhanced the ability of these central banks to provide U.S. dollar funding to financial institutions in their jurisdictions.
Current Issues in Economics and Finance , Volume 16 , Issue Apr

The national and regional economic outlook

Remarks before the Bronx Chamber of Commerce at the New York Botanical Garden, Bronx, New York.
Speech , Paper 68

Global banks and international shock transmission: evidence from the crisis

Global banks played a significant role in transmitting the 2007-09 financial crisis to emerging-market economies. We examine adverse liquidity shocks on main developed-country banking systems and their relationships to emerging markets across Europe, Asia, and Latin America, isolating loan supply from loan demand effects. Loan supply in emerging markets across Europe, Asia, and Latin America was affected significantly through three separate channels: 1) a contraction in direct, cross-border lending by foreign banks; 2) a contraction in local lending by foreign banks' affiliates in emerging ...
Staff Reports , Paper 446

Journal Article
International flow of gold and dollars, 1952

Federal Reserve Bulletin , Issue Mar , Pages 209-216

Reflections on the TALF and the Federal Reserve's role as liquidity provider

Remarks at the New York Association for Business Economics, New York City.
Speech , Paper 26

Regulatory reform of the global financial system

Remarks hosted by the Institute of Regulation & Risk North Asia, Hong Kong
Speech , Paper 52

Reaping the full benefits of financial openness : a speech at the Bank of Finland 200th Anniversary Conference, Helsinki, Finland, May 6, 2011

a speech at the the Bank of Finland 200th Anniversary Conference, Helsinki, Finland, May 6, 2011
Speech , Paper 569

Journal Article
International financial crises, past and present

Economic Review , Issue Fall , Pages 13-23

Journal Article
International flow of gold and dollars, 1951

Federal Reserve Bulletin , Issue Mar

The national and regional economic outlook

Remarks at Fordham University's Gabelli School of Business, Bronx, New York.
Speech , Paper 69


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Speech 6 items

Journal Article 4 items

Report 1 items


FILTER BY Keywords

International liquidity 11 items

Credit 5 items

Financial crises 5 items

International finance 5 items

Banks and banking, Central 4 items

Bank liquidity 3 items

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