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Keywords:International finance 

Journal Article
Statement to Congress, May 14, 1990 (role of U.S. firms and banks in a global competitive setting)

Federal Reserve Bulletin , Issue Jul

Journal Article
Foreign gold and dollar holdings in 1949

Federal Reserve Bulletin , Issue Mar , Pages 269-278

When is U.S. bank lending to emerging markets volatile?

Using bank-specific data on U.S. bank claims on individual foreign countries since the mid-1980s, this paper 1) characterizes the size and portfolio diversification patterns of the U.S. banks engaging in foreign lending, and 2) econometrically explores the determinants of fluctuations in U.S. bank claims on a broad set of countries. U.S. bank claims on Latin American and Asian emerging markets, and on industrialized countries, are sensitive to U.S. macroeconomic conditions. When the United States grows rapidly, there is substitution between claims on industrialized countries and claims on the ...
Staff Reports , Paper 119

Working Paper
Net foreign assets and imperfect pass-through: the consumption real exchange rate anomaly

An unresolved issue in international macroeconomics is the apparent lack of risk-sharing across countries, which contradicts the prediction of models based on the assumption of complete markets. We assess the importance of financial frictions in this issue by constructing an incomplete market model with stationary net foreign assets (NFA) and imperfect pass-through (IPT). In this paper, there is a cost of bond holdings that allows us to incorporate the dynamics of NFA into the risk-sharing condition. On theoretical grounds, our results suggest that the dynamics of NFA may account for the lack ...
International Finance Discussion Papers , Paper 764

Working Paper
How much asymmetry is there in bond returns and exchange rates?

We measure asymmetries in the distribution of bond returns and exchange rates and test their statistical significance. Asymmetries are sizable when measured by the coefficient of skewness, a measure that is highly affected by outliers. In contrast, robustly measured asymmetries to outliers often disagree in sign or size, implying that much of the asymmetries measured by the coefficient of skewness can be attributed to extreme observations. Asymmetries in many government bonds returns are only statistically significant according to tests based on the coefficient of skewness.> ; On the ...
Globalization Institute Working Papers , Paper 93

Journal Article
Globalization, volume, decreasing costs force world's exchanges to automate

Economics Update , Issue Jul , Pages 3-4

Journal Article
50 years after Bretton Woods: what is the future for the international monetary system?

On March 18, 1994, the Eastern Economic Association sponsored a roundtable discussion at the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, to examine the future of the international monetary system in light of the aims of the Bretton Woods agreement of 1944. The title of the roundtable captured the central concern of each speaker: to what extent can the ideals of the founders of the Bretton Woods system be implemented today? ; It was agreed that a return to a fixed-rate system, as envisioned by the founders of the Bretton Woods system, is not possible today given the changes in underlying economic ...
New England Economic Review , Issue Jul , Pages 65-73

The implications of monetary versus bond financing of debt-peso swaps

Research Paper , Paper 9005

Journal Article
Do U.S. markets call the emerging market tune?

Economics Update , Issue Jul , Pages 9

Journal Article
International banking in Philadelphia

Business Review , Issue Jan , Pages 5-12



Federal Reserve Bulletin 41 items

International Finance Discussion Papers 41 items

Speech 28 items

Economic Review 20 items

Proceedings 17 items

Staff Reports 15 items

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FILTER BY Content Type

Journal Article 150 items

Working Paper 104 items

Conference Paper 42 items

Speech 29 items

Report 26 items

Monograph 4 items

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anonymous 21 items

Goldberg, Linda S. 11 items

Greenspan, Alan 11 items

Dudley, William 8 items

Cheng, Hang-Sheng 6 items

Warnock, Francis E. 6 items

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FILTER BY Jel Classification

G21 2 items

C82 1 items

E42 1 items

E51 1 items

E52 1 items

E58 1 items

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FILTER BY Keywords

International finance 358 items

Monetary policy 37 items

Financial markets 26 items

International trade 22 items

Foreign exchange rates 20 items

Capital movements 19 items

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