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Keywords:International business enterprises 

The exchange rate and overseas profits of U.S. multinationals

Research Paper , Paper 9405

Journal Article
Intra-firm trade: an update

New England Economic Review , Issue May , Pages 46-51

Working Paper
Risk, returns, and multinational production

This paper starts by unveiling a new empirical regularity: multinational corporations systematically tend to exhibit higher stock market returns and earnings yields than non-multinational firms. Within non-multinationals, exporters tend to exhibit higher earnings yields and returns than firms selling only in their domestic market. To explain this pattern, we develop a real option value model where firms are heterogeneous in productivity, and have to decide whether and how to sell in a foreign market where demand is risky. Firms can serve the foreign market through trade or foreign direct ...
Supervisory Research and Analysis Working Papers , Paper QAU10-5

Journal Article
The 'curse' of Venezuela

Southwest Economy , Issue May , Pages 17-18

Resolving troubled systemically important cross-border financial institutions: is a new corporate organizational form required?

This paper explores the advantages of a new financial charter for large, complex, internationally active financial institutions that would address the corporate governance challenges of such organizations, including incentive problems in risk decisions and the complicated corporate and regulatory structures that impede cross-border resolutions. The charter envisions a single entity with broad powers in which the extent and timing of compensation are tied to financial results, senior managers and risk takers form a new risk-bearing stakeholder class, and a home-country-based resolution regime ...
Staff Reports , Paper 457

Journal Article
Flexible exchange rates, multinational corporations, and accounting standards

Economic Review , Issue Fall , Pages 44-55

Understanding international prices: customers as capital

This paper develops a theory of pricing-to-market driven by marketing and bargaining frictions. Our key innovation is a capital theoretic model of marketing in which relations with customers are valuable. In our model, producers search and form long-lasting relations with their customers, and marketing helps overcome the search frictions involved in forming such matches. In the context of international business cycle patterns, the model accounts for observations that are puzzles for a large class of theories: (i) pricing-to-market, (ii) positive correlation of aggregate real export and import ...
Staff Report , Paper 411

Working Paper
Interactions between domestic and foreign investment

This paper studies both the domestic and foreign fixed investment expenditures of a sample of U. S. multinational firms. In addition to explaining empirically each type of investment, an important goal is to determine whether there are significant interactions between expenditures in the different locations. ; Two types of interaction--one, financial, and the other, production-based--are explored theoretically and empirically. The financial interaction is the result of a model which assumes a risk of bankruptcy and its associated costs; under these circumstances, the firm faces an increasing ...
International Finance Discussion Papers , Paper 329

Working Paper
How does multinational production change international comovement?

I study the aggregate implications of the entry of Multinational Firms (MNFs) in a two country Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium model in which firms have heterogeneous productivity in the sense of Ghironi and Melitz (2005). Unlike the extant open economy macroeconomics literature, this model endogenizes both multinational production and exports as possible strategies of internationalization of production, a feature that substantially improves the match between model-simulated moments and business cycle data along two dimensions. First, once I allow for concurrent entry (and exit) of ...
Working Papers , Paper 2010-041


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Working Paper 10 items

Journal Article 5 items

Report 4 items

Speech 1 items


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