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Keywords:Initial public offerings OR Initial Public Offerings 

Working Paper
Competitive Effects of IPOS: Evidence from Chinese Listing Suspensions

Theory suggests that initial public offerings (IPOs) can adversely impact listed firms, both directly by increasing intra-industry competition, and in-directly by completing related asset market spaces. However, the endogeneity of individual IPO activity hinders testing these channels. This paper examines listing suspensions in China in a panel specification that accounts for macroeconomic and financial conditions, isolating the firm-level IPO impact. We measure the competi-tive impact of listing suspensions through the value share of postponed firms in the IPO queue in their industry, and ...
Working Paper Series , Paper 2020-30

Working Paper
Going Entrepreneurial? IPOs and New Firm Creation

Using matched employee-employer US Census data, we examine the effect of a successful initial public offering (IPO) on employee departures to startups. Accounting for the endogeneity of a firm?s choice to go public, we find strong evidence that going public induces employees to leave for start-ups. Moreover, we document that the increase in turnover following an IPO is driven by employees departing to start-ups; we find no change in the rate of employee departures for established firms. We present evidence that, following an IPO, many employees who received stock grants experience a positive ...
Finance and Economics Discussion Series , Paper 2017-022


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Initial Public Offerings 2 items

China 1 items

Entrepreneurship 1 items

New Firms 1 items

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asset space 1 items

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