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Keywords:Information technology 

Journal Article
The diffusion of personal computers across the United States

For the last fifteen years or so, information technology (IT) has become an ever more important part of the U.S. economy. Looking back over the period, there can be little doubt that the growing use of IT contributed significantly to the economy's performance, especially in the latter half of the 1990s, when output grew rapidly, unemployment declined to 25-year lows, productivity surged, and the inflation rate actually fell. ; A key question about IT's role in this performance is how its use spreads or diffuses throughout the economy. This Economic Letter focuses on a particular part of this ...
FRBSF Economic Letter

Working Paper
The case of the missing productivity growth: or, does information technology explain why productivity accelerated in the United States but not the United Kingdom?

Solow's paradox has disappeared in the United States but remains alive and well in the United Kingdom. In particular, the U.K. experienced an information and communications technology (ICT) investment boom in the 1990s in parallel with the U.S., but measured total factor productivity has decelerated rather than accelerated in recent years. We ask whether ICT can explain the divergent TFP performance in the two countries. Stories of ICT as a 'general purpose technology' suggest that measured TFP should rise in ICT-using sectors (reflecting either unobserved accumulation of intangible ...
Working Paper Series , Paper WP-03-08

Conference Paper
Competition: vertical integration: general discussion

Proceedings – Payments System Research Conferences

Conference Paper
Innovation in non-bank payment systems: remarks

Proceedings – Payments System Research Conferences

Journal Article
Multinationals make the most of IT

National Economic Trends , Issue Jun

Journal Article
Productivity developments abroad

This article reviews recent productivity trends in foreign industrial countries. The focus of the analysis is on whether productivity abroad has accelerated to an extent comparable to that observed in the United States. The authors find that foreign labor productivity, unlike that of the United States, has not accelerated in the latter half of the 1990s and discuss the role played by information technology in influencing foreign productivity trends as well as cyclical and methodological factors that are important in the analysis of these trends.
Federal Reserve Bulletin , Volume 86 , Issue Oct , Pages 665-681

Conference Paper
The resurgence of growth in the late 1990s: is information technology the story?

The performance of the U.S. economy over the past several years has been remarkable, including a rebound in labor productivity growth after nearly a quarter century of sluggish gains. To assess the role of information technology in the recent rebound, this paper re-examines the growth contribution of computers and related inputs with the same neoclassical framework that we have used in earlier work. ; Our results indicate that the contribution to productivity growth from the use of information technology - including computer hardware, software, and communication equipment - surged in the ...

Journal Article
Information technology and productivity

FRBSF Economic Letter

Conference Paper
The technology payoff in retail banking: the role of the technical labor force

Proceedings , Paper 536

Conference Paper
The new economy : background, historical perspective, questions, and speculations

Proceedings - Economic Policy Symposium - Jackson Hole



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Fernald, John G. 6 items

Wirtz, Ronald A. 6 items

Doms, Mark 5 items

Manfred, Lee E. 5 items

Oliner, Stephen D. 5 items

Sichel, Daniel E. 5 items

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D83 1 items

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J24 1 items

J61 1 items

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FILTER BY Keywords

Information technology 104 items

Productivity 25 items

Technology - Economic aspects 14 items

Payment systems 12 items

Technology 11 items

Electronic commerce 9 items

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