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Keywords:Industrial location 

Journal Article
Declining manufacturing employment in the New York-New Jersey region: 1969-99

Between 1969 and 1999, the New York-New Jersey region experienced a steeper drop in manufacturing employment than any other area of the United States. Much of the unusually sharp job decline can be attributed to the geographic dispersion of manufacturing_that is, the gradual movement of manufacturing activity from the more urbanized and industry-intensive states of the Northeast to the less industrially developed states of the South and West.
Current Issues in Economics and Finance , Volume 7 , Issue Jan

Working Paper
Where do manufacturing firms locate their headquarters?

Firms? headquarters [HQ] support their production activity, by gathering information and outsourcing business services, as well as, managing, evaluating, and coordinating internal firm activities. In search of a better location for these functions, firms often separate the HQ function physically from their production facilities and construct stand-alone HQs. By locating its HQ in a large, service oriented metro area away from its production facilities, a firm may be better able to out-source service functions in that local metro market and also to gather information about market conditions ...
Working Paper Series , Paper WP-04-29

Journal Article
Do primary energy resources influence industry location?

By choosing to locate in a particular place, firms create employment opportunities for workers living there. And the wages they pay increase demand for local goods and services, creating additional job opportunities and further increasing the tax base. Consequently, state and local governments go to great lengths to encourage firms to locate within their boundaries.> In recent years, volatility in energy markets due to deregulation and events in the Middle East have increased the role that energy resource endowments may play in firm location. Thus, economic development agencies in energy ...
Economic Review , Volume 87 , Issue Q III , Pages 27-44

Working Paper
Regional authorities, public services, and the location of economic activity

Working Papers , Paper 90-17

Working Paper
Location determinants of new foreign-owned manufacturing plants

Manufacturing employment in the United States has tended to fall since 1979. Geographically, the Northeast and Mideast regions have incurred the brunt of this decline and, except in the Southwest region, urban countries have tended to fare worse than rural countries. Meanwhile, foreign-owned manufacturing has been playing a larger role in the U.S. economy, especially in the Great Lakes and Southeast regions. The current research explains the pattern-among regions as well as between rural and urban countries-of new foreign plant location. Proxies measuring economic size, labor force quality, ...
Working Papers , Paper 1997-018

Journal Article
Does locale affect R&D productivity? the case of pharmaceuticals

FRBSF Economic Letter

Price discrimination in Hotelling's duopoly model: equilibrium and efficiency

Research Paper , Paper 8813

Journal Article
What can output measures tell us about deindustrialization in the nation and its regions?

Business Review , Issue Jan , Pages 15-27

Journal Article
Industry concentration in tri-state metropolitan areas

Research Rap Special Report , Issue Apr

Working Paper
The agglomeration of R&D labs

This paper has been superseded by WP 15-03.<p>The authors document the spatial concentration of more than 1,000 research and development (R&D) labs located in the Northeast corridor of the U.S. using point pattern methods. These methods allow systematic examination of clustering at different spatial scales. In particular, Monte Carlo tests based on Ripley's (1976) K-functions are used to identify clusters of labs ? at varying spatial scales ? that represent statistically significant departures from random locations reflecting the underlying distribution of economic activity (employment). ...
Working Papers , Paper 10-33


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