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Working Paper
Transaction costs in an emerging market: the case of Indonesia

Despite the dramatic increase in the flow of funds to emerging stock markets, relatively little is known about the cost of transacting on these markets. This paper estimates the execution costs of trading on a representative emerging market stock exchange, the Jakarta Stock Exchange (JSX). We find that execution costs are affected by the difficulty of the trade, the size of the firm traded, and the broker executing the trade. Surprisingly, we find that execution costs on the JSX are only modestly higher than average execution costs in several non-U.S. developed stock markets. In addition, we ...
Research Working Paper , Paper 96-11

Journal Article
Do capital controls affect the response of investment to saving? evidence from the Pacific Basin

This paper examines the effect of capital controls on the response of investment to savings in Pacific Basin countries. A robust finding is that the size of the savings coefficient tends to be smaller (larger) in countries with relatively higher (lower) capital controls. Additionally, relaxation in capital controls for the most part had no discernible impact on the savings- investment relationship in individual country time-series regressions. At least a partial resolution to these puzzles is found in the government policy response: Countries with a relatively high saving-investment ...
Economic Review

Conference Paper
Econometric studies at Bank Indonesia

Proceedings , Issue 1 , Pages 255-270

Journal Article
A currency board for Indonesia?

FRBSF Economic Letter

Conference Paper
Financial reform in Indonesia

Proceedings , Issue Dec , Pages 221-224

Journal Article
Export competition and contagious currency crises

FRBSF Economic Letter

Conference Paper
Financial reform and monetary control in Indonesia


Conference Paper
Building the legal and regulatory framework

Conference Series ; [Proceedings] , Volume 44 , Issue Jun , Pages 31-88

Conference Paper
Risk and financial development: a comparative case study of Mexico and Indonesia


Working Paper
Real exchange rate targeting and inflation in Indonesia: theory and empirical evidence

Early studies have shown that an exchange rate policy which attempts to stimulate exports through aggressive devaluations is often found to be inflationary. This study tests the validity of this hypothesis for the specific case of Indonesia. To analyze the possible inflationary consequence of the managed floating system of Indonesian rupiah, this paper conducts several times series testings to answer the following questions: (1) Can the study detect any significant effects of government's intervention in the foreign exchange market (forex) in explaining the fluctuations of rupiah?, (2) Has ...
Pacific Basin Working Paper Series , Paper 96-07


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