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Journal Article
The Network: an IDA program turning savings dreams into reality
Looking to buy homes in Boston and learn about financial management, almost 200 people have joined "The Network," an intensive IDA program that is entering its second session. Kathleen Gill profiles the IDA.
Journal Article
The American Dream Demonstration: IDA program outcomes
The American Dream Demonstration, the largest collection of individual development account programs ever undertaken in the United States, has encouraging evidence that the poor can save. Could this be the future of asset development?
Journal Article
IDA Program Rebuilding Lives in Louisiana
Louisiana legislators recently approved $2 million in funding for a statewide individual development account program aimed at getting low-income hurricane victims back on their feet.
Journal Article
RAISE Texas: moving Texans towards financial success
What began several years ago as a network of matched savings programs to encourage low-income Texans to save has blossomed into a statewide, comprehensive asset-building movement now known as RAISE Texas.
Journal Article
Melissa Garcia's Best Practices for an IDA Program
Melissa Garcia, Foundation Communities' IDA Program Director, shares best practices for an IDA Program.
Journal Article
The promise of asset-development policies
What are asset-development policies? What programs are underway to explore such policies? Larry Beeferman of the Asset Development Institute describes the movement and his views on why asset-development policies are vital to economic equality.
Journal Article
A national perspective on asset building
Leigh Tivol, senior program manager with the Corporation for Enterprise Development (CFED) in Washington, D.C., presented the national perspective on the asset-building movement at the RAISE Texas Action Summit in April.>
Journal Article
Foundation Communities' IDA: Five Years of Savings
Foundation Communities, a nonprofit developer of multifamily housing, began the program to help low-income families living in its 11 properties save for the future. IDAs are usually opened at a local bank, with a foundation, government agency or other organization matching participants' deposits.
Journal Article
Measuring IDA Program's Impact
Since 2007, the state of New Mexico has invested $2.45 million to support Individual Development Accounts (IDAs) for New Mexico savers. This funding provides a much-needed local match required by federal IDA funding, which was awarded through the Assets for Independence Act.
Journal Article
New Mexico Encourages Citizens to Save
Low-income residents in New Mexico now have more incentive than ever to save for a home, an education or their own business. In the 2006 legislative session, the state provided $1.5 million to fund the Individual Development Account Act that passed in 2003.