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Keywords:Indexation (Economics) 

Journal Article
Indexation: a reasonable response to inflation

Business Review , Issue Sep/Oct , Pages 3-11

Working Paper
A survey and analysis of index-linked certificates of deposit

FRB Atlanta Working Paper , Paper 89-1

Working Paper
Bracket creep in the age of indexing: have we solved the problem?

An examination of the inflation-indexing provisions contained in the Economic Recovery Tax Act of 1981 and the Tax Reform Act of 1986.
Working Papers (Old Series) , Paper 9108

Working Paper
Consistent economic indexes for the 50 states.

In the late 1980s James Stock and Mark Watson developed an alternative coincident index for the U.S. economy. They used the Kalman filter to estimate a latent dynamic factor for the national economy and designated the common factor as the coincident index. This paper uses the Stock/Watson methodology to estimate a consistent set of coincident indexes for the 50 states. The indexes are consistent in the following sense. (1) The input variables for estimating the common factor are the same for each state. (2) The timing of the coincident indexes is set to coincide with the same observable ...
Working Papers , Paper 02-7

Journal Article
The case for and against indexation: an attempt at perspective

Review , Volume 56 , Issue Oct , Pages 2-11

Journal Article
Inflation-proof long-term bonds

FRBSF Economic Letter

Journal Article
Inflation-indexed bonds

FRBSF Economic Letter

Journal Article
Benefits and limitations of inflation indexed Treasury bonds

In recent years, members of Congress and academia have repeatedly urged the U.S. Treasury to issue some portion of its debt in the form of inflation indexed bonds. With an indexed bond, the interest and maturity value are adjusted by the rate of inflation over the life of the bond. Because the cash flow of an indexed bond is adjusted for inflation, the bond's real value does not vary with inflation, protecting investors and issuers alike from inflation risk.> Inflation indexed bonds would be a fundamental innovation in U.S. financial markets, providing benefits to investors, the Treasury, and ...
Economic Review , Volume 80 , Issue Q III , Pages 41-56

Journal Article
The name is bond--indexed bond

Will the Treasury Department's new inflation-indexed bond prove to be the bond "with the Midas touch"?
The Regional Economist , Issue Jan , Pages 10-11

Conference Paper
Indexation and contract length in unionized U.S. manufacturing



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