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Journal Article
Noteworthy: Texas trade: air shipments up for imports, exports

Southwest Economy , Issue May , Pages 14

Journal Article
Policy update: Freer trade in textiles change import sources

Econ Focus , Volume 9 , Issue Sum , Pages 12

Journal Article
Recent U.S. export performance in the developing world

U.S. exports to developing countries have grown remarkably in recent years, far outpacing our sales increases to the industrial world. The author seeks explanations for this strong performance in the traditional determinants of export growthrelative prices and income growthand in other factors linking world economic conditions to developing country demand for U.S. goods.
Quarterly Review , Volume 17 , Issue Win , Pages 64-74

Journal Article
U.S. international transactions in 1978

Federal Reserve Bulletin , Issue Apr

Journal Article
Trade between the United States and Eastern Europe

Review , Issue Jul , Pages 25-46

Journal Article
U.S. international transactions in 1992

Federal Reserve Bulletin , Issue May

Working Paper
The constancy of illusions or the illusion of constancies: income and price elasticities for U.S. imports, 1890-1992

Virtually all we know about the behavior of U.S. imports rests on studies estimating income and price elasticities with postwar data. But anyone examining the evolution of U.S. trade cannot avoid asking whether the postwar period provides enough information to characterize that behavior. From 1890 to 1940, the United States became an increasingly closed economy and experienced the most pronounced fluctuations in income and prices of this century. Is our current understanding of the behavior of U.S. imports consistent with those features of the U.S. economy? Being consistent with the distant ...
International Finance Discussion Papers , Paper 475

Journal Article
World trade and production in 1953-54

Federal Reserve Bulletin , Issue Oct

Globalization and the gains from variety

Since the seminal work of Krugman, product variety has played a central role in models of trade and growth. In spite of the general use of love-of-variety models, there has been no systematic study of how the import of new varieties has contributed to national welfare gains in the United States. In this paper, we show that the unmeasured growth in product variety from U.S. imports has been an important source of gains from trade over the last three decades (1972-2001). Using extremely disaggregated data, we show that the number of imported product varieties has increased by a factor of four. ...
Staff Reports , Paper 180

Journal Article
Coping with terms-of-trade shocks in developing countries

Sharp swings in a developing country's terms of trade, the price of its exports relative to the price of its imports, can seriously disrupt output growth. An analysis of the effects of a decline in export prices in seventy-five developing economies suggests that countries with a flexible exchange rate will experience a much milder contraction in output than their counterparts with fixed exchange rate regimes.
Current Issues in Economics and Finance , Volume 9 , Issue Nov



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Journal Article 55 items

Working Paper 17 items

Report 15 items

Monograph 3 items

Conference Paper 1 items

Discussion Paper 1 items

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anonymous 8 items

Goldberg, Linda S. 3 items

Marquez, Jaime R. 3 items

Morisse, Kathryn A. 3 items

Sly, Nicholas 3 items

Antzoulatos, Angelos A. 2 items

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F32 7 items

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E66 2 items

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Imports 95 items

Exports 45 items

International trade 40 items

Prices 9 items

Trade 8 items

Foreign exchange rates 5 items

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