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Journal Article
Keeping the promise: immigration proposals from the heartland: a report from the Chicago Council on Foreign Relations
The United States has reached an important juncture in thinking about immigration policy. The past decade?s strong growth in immigrant totals, together with the reemerged link between homeland security and immigration and operational shortcomings in the immigration system have made immigration reform a key policy issue. The demographic and cultural transformation of the United States and the policies that govern who can enter and stay will affect all aspects of American life in the 21st century. It is essential for this nation?s future prosperity to develop a comprehensive and effective set ...
Journal Article
Enforcing sanctions against employers of illegal aliens
Journal Article
Immigration reform and the West
Working Paper
Do amnesty programs encourage illegal immigration? Evidence from the Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA)
This paper examines whether allowing certain undocumented immigrants to legalize their status leads to additional illegal immigration. The authors focus on the effects of the 1986 Immigration Reform and Control Act, which granted amnesty to over three million undocumented immigrants. They find that apprehensions of persons attempting to illegally cross the U.S.-Mexico border declined immediately following passage of the law but returned to normal levels during the period when illegal immigrants could file for amnesty and in the years thereafter. The authors? findings suggest that the amnesty ...