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Keywords:Immigrants - New England 

A portrait of New England's immigrants

This research report uses the most recent available data to construct a detailed demographic, labor, and socioeconomic portrait of New England?s immigrants. It is the latest in a series of publications from the Center on the movement of people into and out of our region. ; The report evaluates the size, relative share, settlement patterns, and national origins of the region?s immigrants, and explores how these have changed in recent decades. It then describes the demographic characteristics of the region?s foreign-born residents, and analyzes their labor force behavior. Finally, the report ...
New England Public Policy Center Research Report , Paper 08-2

Journal Article
Mapping New England : largest immigrant groups in southern New England counties

Among Southern New England immigrants, the largest populations are from Portugal and Canada (each with about 100,000), followed by the Dominican Republic and Italy, with about 70,000 and 60,000, respectively.
Communities and Banking , Issue Fall , Pages 9

Journal Article
New England immigrants and the labor market

New England?s population has avoided an overall decline thanks to the growing numbers of immigrants. New England Public Policy Center research shows immigrants are also filling many of the region?s labor needs.
Communities and Banking , Issue Sum , Pages 12-16

Journal Article
Who are New England's immigrants?

Foreign immigration is driving New England's population growth and shaping the region's economic and demographic character. Who are the region's immigrants? Where do they live? How are they doing? An analysis by the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston answers some of these questions.
Communities and Banking , Issue Fall , Pages 10-21

Journal Article
New England farmers meet immigrant needs

A multi-institution agricultural collaborative is researching ways to help Massachusetts farmers grow and market local immigrants' favorite home-country vegetables. In a related effort, immigrants are learning techniques for being successful farmers themselves.
Communities and Banking , Issue Fall , Pages 10-13

Journal Article
Reaching immigrant communities

With Brazilians making up a large percentage of the immigrant community in New England, Communities & Banking decided to seek the Consul General?s views on a variety of topics, including how to encourage more of the undocumented to use banks.
Communities and Banking , Issue Win , Pages 14-15

Journal Article
A snapshot of New England's immigrants: stocks, flows, and origins, 1990–2006

In recent years New England has experienced both net domestic outmigration and slow native population growth. Counteracting these trends, however, is the continued influx of immigrants from abroad. As a result, foreign-born residents play an increasingly important role in replenishing the region?s population and labor force. This article provides a snapshot of the size, recent growth, national origins, and period of arrival of the region?s foreign-born population.
New England Economic Indicators , Issue Mar , Pages 2-5

Journal Article
New England’s foreign-born population today

Since the 1600s, immigrants have been drawn to New England, and even now parts of the region would be losing population and economic vitality if not for the foreign-born population. UNH?s Carsey Institute analyzes the demographics.
Communities and Banking , Issue Win , Pages 20-23



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