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Discussion Paper
Home Mortgage Disclosure Act (HMDA) home purchase data: summary for New England, 2003
This paper provides summary statistics for home purchase data collected under the Home Mortgage Disclosure Act in 2003. In addition to aggregate totals, patterns by income and race / ethnicity are also described. These analyses of HMDA data have been conducted to examine access to home purchase loans, while focusing on traditionally underserved populations ? low- and moderate- income (LMI) households and minorities. Overall lending activity has risen in recent years in New England, driven mainly by increasing volumes of applications from LMI and minority households. Although higher income ...
Can young professionals afford to buy a home in New England?
This policy brief explores whether young professional households can afford to own a home in New England. These are defined as households headed by a 25-39 year old with at least a BA and not currently enrolled in school. The analysis relies on two measures: (1) housing burden, defined as the percentage of household income spent on housing costs, and (2) income adequacy, defined as the ratio of household income to the income needed to purchase a home.