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Keywords:Home ownership 

Journal Article
IDA Program Rebuilding Lives in Louisiana

Louisiana legislators recently approved $2 million in funding for a statewide individual development account program aimed at getting low-income hurricane victims back on their feet.
e-Perspectives , Volume 7 , Issue 2

Discussion Paper
Shifting confidence in homeownership: the Great Recession

The authors study the responses to several questions related to real estate that were added to the Michigan Survey of Consumers in July and August 2011. In particular, they asked about attitudes toward renting versus buying a home, about commuting, and about how much to spend on a mortgage. By matching the results to data (at the ZIP-code level) about relative house price declines during the recent crisis, they can study the relationship between the U.S. housing crash and the attitudes of individual consumers. They find that younger respondents are relatively less confident about ...
Public Policy Discussion Paper , Paper 12-4

Working Paper
Do homeowners know their house values and mortgage terms?

To assess whether homeowners know their house values and mortgage terms, we compare the distributions of these variables in the household-reported 2001 Survey of Consumer Finances (SCF) to the distributions in lender-reported data. We also examine the share of SCF respondents who report not knowing these variables. We find that most homeowners appear to report their house values and broad mortgage terms reasonably accurately. Some adjustable-rate mortgage borrowers, though, and especially those with below-median income, appear to underestimate or not know how much their interest rates could ...
Finance and Economics Discussion Series , Paper 2006-03

Conference Paper
Homeownership: patterns trends, and policies

Proceedings , Paper 1009

Journal Article
Trends in home ownership

National Economic Trends , Issue Dec

Journal Article
Neighborhood housing dervices of Chicago and the home ownership preservation Initiative – a successful partnership looks to expand its scope and impact

The Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago's Consumer and Community Affairs department has, since the mid- 1990s, worked with various Seventh District organizations and agencies to address foreclosures and their harmful impact in communities. Most notably, the Reserve Bank has supported and partnered with Neighborhood Housing Services (NHS) of Chicago to mitigate the destabilizing effect that foreclosures have on vulnerable communities--those with older housing stock, lower income, largely minority (and/or recent immigrant) populations, and little commercial or retail investment. The Homeownership ...
Profitwise , Issue Dec , Pages 8-10

Journal Article
The Great Recession and confidence in homeownership

Confidence in homeownership shifts for those who personally experienced real estate loss during the Great Recession. Older Americans are confident in the value of homeownership. Younger Americans are less confident.
Communities and Banking , Issue Spring , Pages 28-30

Journal Article
Buy a home or rent? A better way to choose

Knowing whether buying a home is a better financial move for a family than renting requires a consideration of costs and options that people often neglect to factor in. One aspect of the calculation that is almost always overlooked is uncertainty--the fact that no matter how good one's estimates of the future are, the future can turn out differently than projected. Incorporating uncertainty into the rent-or-buy calculation gives potential homebuyers information that can improve their decisions. While incorporating uncertainty is complicated, it's made easier with the Cleveland Fed's online ...
Economic Commentary , Issue Apr

Journal Article
RHOPI perspectives: the Chicago Community Trust

Starting in the second half of 2007,the foreclosure crisis spread quickly across the Chicago area, seriously affecting communities of color and vulnerable populations. Although some public, private, and nonprofit responses to the growing foreclosure crisis in the Chicago area had started to develop in mid-2008, most of these responses seemed to be concentrated in the city of Chicago and a few nearby suburbs.The Chicago Community Trust (Trust), in collaboration with the MacArthur Foundation, commissioned the first region-wide report to catalogue those responses. Unsurprisingly, the study ...
Profitwise , Issue Dec , Pages 4-7

Journal Article
RHOPI perspectives: neighborhood housing services of Chicago

Over seven years ago, Neighborhood Housing Services of Chicago (NHS) increased substantially its focus on working to help victims of predatory lending avoid foreclosure. Well before the ?foreclosure crisis? was a national phenomenon, home owners, mostly in lower-income communities, were facing foreclosure at an increased rate due to the predatory practices of mortgage brokers peddling subprime loans with high interest rates. NHS identified this issue through its network of neighborhood offices, neighborhood staff, and advisory councils, and initiated the Home Ownership Preservation Initiative ...
Profitwise , Issue Dec , Pages 8-10



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Journal Article 47 items

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Garriga, Carlos 5 items

Schlagenhauf, Don E. 5 items

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Wirtz, Ronald A. 4 items

Fisher, Jonas D. M. 3 items

Li, Wenli 3 items

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Home ownership 76 items

Mortgage loans 15 items

Housing 10 items

Foreclosure 9 items

Mortgages 9 items

Federal Reserve District, 9th 5 items

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