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Keywords:Health care reform - New England 

Journal Article
The New England health-care experiment

Several ambitious health-care policies are being tested in New England. The most far-reaching, in Massachusetts, is premised on shared responsibility. Government, employers, insurers, providers, and patients all have obligations and benefits.
Communities and Banking , Issue Fall , Pages 16-19

Reaching the goal: expanding health insurance coverage in New England: current strategies and new initiatives

As the number and percentage of people without health insurance continues to climb, the goal of expanding such coverage is even more pressing. Traditional strategies have had only limited success. And with little movement at the federal level, states have chosen to enact their own bold initiatives. Four New England states - Maine, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Vermont - have recently passed or implemented programs to expand health insurance coverage, some with the goal of achieving near-universal coverage. By combining different strategies from across the political spectrum, the new ...
New England Public Policy Center Research Report , Paper 07-1