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Keywords:Grain trade 

Journal Article
Grain export agreements - no gains, no losses

Review , Volume 63 , Issue Aug

Journal Article
The Russian grain embargo: dubious success

Review , Volume 62 , Issue Aug , Pages 2-8

Journal Article
Staff of life

FRBSF Economic Letter

Journal Article
Grain exports and inflation

Review , Volume 57 , Issue Sep , Pages 2-4

Journal Article
The grain drain

FRBSF Economic Letter

Journal Article
Can grain elevators survive record crop prices?

Main Street Economist , Issue 3

Journal Article
Noteworthy: agriculture: Texas rice acreage grows with prices

Southwest Economy , Issue May , Pages 14

Journal Article
World's granary

FRBSF Economic Letter

Journal Article
Room at the silo, after all

Defying expectations, a storage crunch failed to materialize at district elevators last fall.
Fedgazette , Volume 20 , Issue Mar , Pages 18-19

Journal Article
Grain export quotas: the short view and the long

Review , Volume 56 , Issue Oct , Pages 12-15