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Conference Paper
Global risks are rising, but there is a path to recovery

Proceedings - Economic Policy Symposium - Jackson Hole

Journal Article
Interview with Kenneth Rogoff

Interview with Harvard economist about financial globalization, risks to central bank independence and the history of financial crises.
The Region , Volume 22 , Issue Dec , Pages 18-29

Working Paper
Precautionary demand for foreign assets in sudden stop economies: an assessment of the new mercantilism

Financial globalization had a rocky start in emerging economies hit by Sudden Stops. Foreign reserves have grown very rapidly since then, as if those countries were practicing a New Mercantilism that views foreign reserves as a war-chest for defense against Sudden Stops. This paper conducts a quantitative assessment of this argument using a stochastic intertemporal equilibrium framework in which precautionary foreign asset demand is driven by output variability, financial globalization, and Sudden Stop risk. In this framework, credit constraints produce endogenous Sudden Stops. We find that ...
International Finance Discussion Papers , Paper 911

Journal Article
Understanding U.S. cross-border securities data

Federal Reserve Bulletin , Volume 92 , Issue May

Conference Paper
Achieving maximum long-run growth: an introduction to the 2011 Economic Policy Symposium

Proceedings - Economic Policy Symposium - Jackson Hole

Opening remarks for the Transatlantic Economic Interdependence and Policy Challenges Conference

Remarks at the Transatlantic Economic Interdependence and Policy Challenges Conference, Federal Reserve Bank of New York, New York City.
Speech , Paper 104

Conference Paper
General discussion: role reversal in global finance

Proceedings - Economic Policy Symposium - Jackson Hole

Globalized banks: lending to emerging markets in the crisis

As banking has become more globalized, so too have the consequences of shocks originating in home and host markets. Global banks can provide liquidity and risk-sharing opportunities to the host market in the event of adverse host-country shocks, but they can also have profound effects across international markets. Indeed, global banks played a significant role in the transmission of the current crisis to emerging-market economies. Flows between global banks and emerging markets include both cross-border lending, which has long been recognized as responding significantly to shocks at home or ...
Staff Reports , Paper 377

Working Paper
Structural Change and Global Trade

Services, which are less traded than goods, rose from 58 percent of world expenditure in 1970 to 79 percent in 2015. In a trade model featuring nonhomothetic preferences and input-output linkages, we find that such structural change has restrained the growth in world trade to GDP by 16 percentage points over this period. This magnitude is similar to how much declining trade costs have boosted openness. Moreover, structural change dampens the measured gains from trade by incorporating endogenous responses of expenditure shares to the trade regime. Ongoing structural change implies declining ...
Globalization Institute Working Papers , Paper 333



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Speech 49 items

Journal Article 31 items

Working Paper 24 items

Conference Paper 19 items

Report 4 items

Discussion Paper 3 items

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Fisher, Richard W. 21 items

Kohn, Donald L. 6 items

Mishkin, Frederic S. 6 items

Cox, W. Michael 5 items

Dudley, William 5 items

Alm, Richard 4 items

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F41 4 items

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Globalization 133 items

Monetary policy 32 items

International trade 25 items

Inflation (Finance) 22 items

International finance 11 items

Economic development 9 items

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