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Journal Article
Reflections on the international monetary crisis
The credit slowdown abroad
Journal Article
The sources of the growth slowdown
Journal Article
France will be ready for EMU, says French ambassador
Journal Article
Distributional issues in privatization
Working Paper
An Analysis of Revenues at the Comédie française, 1680-1793
I study the business practices of the Comdie franaise, the main theater in Paris, between 1680 and 1793. The theater was an actors? partnership and operated within a (contested) oligopoly. Newly available data provide revenues by price category for over 32,000 performances. Attendance varied considerably from one performance to the next. Total revenues increased in the second half of the 18th century as demand for entertainment in Paris boomed. The increase came in part from box rentals (by performance or by season). Pricing practices changed over time, as premium pricing for high-demand ...
Conference Paper
Interest rate operating procedures of foreign central banks