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Keywords:Forest products industry 

Journal Article
I dream of protective genies

The softwood lumber and steel industries begged for protection from imports. Both got their wish, but has it helped?
Fedgazette , Volume 15 , Issue Jul , Pages 8-12

Journal Article
Forest products industry has deep Southern roots

With plentiful indigenous resources, the forest products industry has long been an important part of the region's economy, employing thousands of people and generating billions of dollars. But with a recession and global trade pressures, the industry faces daunting challenges.
EconSouth , Volume 11 , Issue 4

Journal Article
Critics say roadless initiative a hit-and-run on local communities

The Region , Volume 12 , Issue Apr , Pages 15

Journal Article
Westvaco studies a forest

With society increasingly attentive to its environment, companies in the forest-products industry are setting up programs to protect and study the earth's natural resources. In the Fifth District, Westvaco Corporation conducts such studies at its Wildlife and Ecosystem Research Forest.
Cross Sections , Volume 13 , Issue Spr , Pages 16-20

Journal Article
Coming to a national forest near you: roadless initiative more complex than \\"knuckle-dragging loggers vs. spotted owls\\"

The Region , Volume 12 , Issue Apr , Pages 12-14

Journal Article
Pulp Friction: Consolidation in the paper industry is a global phenomenon with huge Ninth District impact.

Fedgazette , Volume 13 , Issue Mar , Pages 8-10

Journal Article
F.Y.I. Southeastern forest industry after the Tax Reform Act of 1986

Economic Review , Issue May , Pages 30-35

Journal Article
Georgia landowners face decision on conservation reserve program acreage

Regional Update , Issue Jul , Pages 1, 8-9

Journal Article
Not out of the woods yet

The consequences of commercial timberland sales may not be as dire as some fear.
Fedgazette , Volume 19 , Issue Jan , Pages 8-11

Journal Article
Theme song for softwood lumber: Oh, Canada

Fedgazette , Volume 14 , Issue Jan , Pages 9-11