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Keywords:Foreign exchange rates - Pacific Basin 

Conference Paper
Dollars and deficits: where do we go from here?

Proceedings , Issue Feb

Conference Paper
Economic fundamentals and a yen currency area for Asian Pacific Rim countries

Proceedings , Issue Sep

Conference Paper
Economic fundamentals and a yen currency area for Asian Pacific Rim countries


Journal Article
Exchange rate arrangements in the Pacific Basin

FRBSF Economic Letter

Journal Article
Exchange-rate policies and inflation: theory and evidence

Economic Review , Issue Fall , Pages 50-64

Journal Article
The role of external shocks in the Asian financial crisis

Within a few months in late 1997, a number of East Asian countries were hit by financial and exchange rate crises. Much analysis of this episode has emphasized either internal financial weaknesses or a process of contagion that converted a financial problem in one country into a regionwide crisis. The author of this article explores an alternative possibility: that some external shock common to all these countries triggered the crisis. The Chinese devaluation of 1994 and the prolonged Japanese recession are sometimes cited as factors, but the article concludes that they were probably only ...
Economic Review , Volume 84 , Issue Q2 , Pages 18-31

Conference Paper
Exchange rates, wages, and international adjustment: Japan and China versus the United States

Proceedings , Issue Feb

Conference Paper
Budget and external deficits: not twins but the same family

Proceedings , Issue Feb