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Keywords:Foreign exchange 

Journal Article
Ancient history

FRBSF Economic Letter

Journal Article
The Federal Reserve's foreign exchange swap lines

The financial crisis that began in August 2007 disrupted U.S. dollar funding markets not only in the United States but also overseas. To address funding pressures internationally, the Federal Reserve introduced a system of reciprocal currency arrangements, or "swap lines," with other central banks. The swap line program, which ended early this year, enhanced the ability of these central banks to provide U.S. dollar funding to financial institutions in their jurisdictions.
Current Issues in Economics and Finance , Volume 16 , Issue Apr

Journal Article
New summary measures of the foreign exchange value of the dollar

The multilateral trade-weighted index of the foreign exchange value of the U.S. dollar against the currencies of the other countries in the Group of Ten (G-10), developed at the Federal Reserve Board in 1971, has played an important role in staff analysis of foreign influences on the U.S. economy for more than twenty-five years. However, changes in international trading relationships and in the structure of international financial markets have led to increased interest in the currencies of U.S. trading partners outside the G-10 countries. Furthermore, the establishment of the European ...
Federal Reserve Bulletin , Volume 84 , Issue Oct

Working Paper
Sterilization costs and exchange rate targeting

This paper examines the movements of exchange rates and capital flows in an environment where an optimizing central bank pursuing the joint goals of inflation and output targeting engages in costly sterilization activities. Our results predict that when faced with increased sterilization costs, the central bank will choose to limit its sterilization activities allowing target variables, such as the nominal exchange rate, to adjust. ; We then test the predictions of a linearized version of the saddle-path solution to the model for a cross-country panel of developing countries. We use IV, GMM ...
Pacific Basin Working Paper Series , Paper 99-03

Conference Paper
Overview: central bank perspectives

Proceedings - Economic Policy Symposium - Jackson Hole

Conference Paper
Currency substitution: a critical survey from a portfolio balance perspective

Proceedings , Issue 6 , Pages 37-79

Journal Article
Evaluating the price competitiveness of U.S. exports

An index developed by the authors is used to track the U.S. dollar's performance against a number of foreign currencies. The authors' comparison of the index with the relative export growth rates of Japan and Germany suggests that in the 1990s the dollar stayed near levels that put the United States and its main export rivals on an equal footing. Nevertheless, the dollar's rise in 1997, if sustained, will make it more difficult for U.S. firms to keep pace with their competitors.
Current Issues in Economics and Finance , Volume 4 , Issue Feb

Conference Paper
The international transmission of asset price volatility

Proceedings - Economic Policy Symposium - Jackson Hole

Working Paper
Monetary policy and the currency denomination of debt: a tale of two equilibria

Exchange rate policies depend on portfolio choices, and portfolio choices depend on anticipated exchange rate policies. This opens the door to multiple equilibria in policy regimes. We construct a model in which agents optimally choose to denominate their assets and liabilities either in domestic or in foreign currency. The monetary authority optimally chooses to float or to fix the currency, after portfolios have been chosen. We identify conditions under which both fixing and floating are equilibrium policies: if agents expect fixing and arrange their portfolios accordingly, the monetary ...
Working Paper Series , Paper 2004-30

Conference Paper
Exchange rate instability: determinants and predictability




FILTER BY Content Type

Working Paper 89 items

Journal Article 79 items

Conference Paper 31 items

Report 19 items

Discussion Paper 2 items

Newsletter 1 items

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Neely, Christopher J. 25 items

Moreno, Ramon 8 items

Glick, Reuven 7 items

Weller, Paul A. 7 items

Engel, Charles 4 items

Goldberg, Linda S. 4 items

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FILTER BY Jel Classification

F31 2 items

G14 1 items

FILTER BY Keywords

Foreign exchange 221 items

Dollar, American 22 items

Monetary policy 22 items

International trade 15 items

Risk 13 items

International finance 12 items

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