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Keywords:Food prices 

Journal Article
Prospective prices for food and farm products in 1967

Review , Volume 49 , Issue Jan , Pages 16-20

Journal Article
Food: outlook favorable for consumers

Review , Volume 59 , Issue Apr , Pages 15-19

Journal Article
The retail revolution and food-price mismeasurement

If a product sells for $3 this week at the local supermarket and $2 next week, what is the "real" price? What if that same product has a different price at a different store? Thanks to scanner technology, food prices differ a lot these days because they can be changed quickly and easily. How do our official statistics take these price movements into account? Not too well, according to Leonard Nakamura. In this article, he describes the retail revolution of recent years and how it has led to mismeasurement of food prices
Business Review , Issue May , Pages 3-14

Journal Article
The nation's food

FRBSF Economic Letter

Journal Article
Food production and prices - perspective and outlook

Review , Volume 58 , Issue Jan , Pages 15-18

Food or commodity price shocks and inflation: a central banker's perspective

A speech presented at "Food and Water - Basic Challenges to International Stability," 2009 Global Conference Series (Part 4), (Global Interdependence Center (GIC) in partnership with the University of Chicago Booth School of Business, Singapore, November 19, 2009
Speech , Paper 30

Journal Article
Factors behind rising food costs

Economic Review , Volume 60 , Issue Sep , Pages 19-23

Pork production continues on the upswing

Agricultural Letter , Issue Jan

Journal Article
Should food be excluded from core CPI?

The greater a component?s SNR, the more useful the component should be in forecasting headline CPI.
Economic Synopses

Journal Article
Less promising... the 1980 outlook for agriculture

An abstract for this article is not available
Economic Review , Volume 66 , Issue Jan , Pages 14-18


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