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Keywords:Fiscal policy - New England 

Journal Article
Preparing for the storm: rainy day funds in New England

Rainy day funds have played an important role in alleviating the current state fiscal crisis. This article examines the benefits of these funds, the various ways in which they can be structured, and the differences in the structure and use of these funds in New England.
Fiscal Facts , Issue Sum , Pages 1-5

Journal Article
Is New England's fiscal crisis abating?

Here in New England, the potential for deficits in the current and next fiscal years, though not nil, is significantly reduced compared with recent years.
New England Economic Indicators , Issue May , Pages i-viii

Journal Article
Securitizing tobacco settlements: the basics, the benefits, the risks

In this time of fiscal hardship for American states, governors and legislators across the country are searching for ways to make up for revenue shortfalls. Partly because of the severity of the revenue crisis, innovative and unconventional means of raising cash have begun to surface. One of these approaches, the topic of this article, is the securitization of tobacco settlement revenues.
Fiscal Facts , Issue Win , Pages 1-5

Journal Article
Issues in economics

Budget crises in the six New England states have prompted spending cuts, leaving taxpayers to ask, "Where does the state spend our money?"
Regional Review , Issue Q 1 , Pages 2-5

Journal Article
The fiscal condition of the New England states: an update

In 1999, New England Economic Indicators published an article detailing the fiscal condition of the New England states. At that time, all six states were experiencing double-digit revenue growth, spearheaded by soaring personal income tax receipts. Flush with cash, states were able to fund myriad programs, capitalize rainy day funds, and enact widespread tax cuts. The article concluded, quite correctly, that "all in all, the fiscal condition of the New England states remains strong." And remain strong it did through FY2000 and FY2001. In FY2002, the states' fortunes changed.
New England Economic Indicators , Issue Jan , Pages i-iv



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