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Keywords:Financial crises - United States 

Conference Paper
Regulatory reforms to reduce financial fragility

Proceedings , Paper 1136

Working Paper
The impact of the originate-to-distribute model on banks before and during the financial crisis

The growth of securitization made it easier for banks to sell home mortgage loans that they originated. I explore how mortgage sales affected banks in the years leading up to the financial crisis that began in 2007 and how their pre-crisis mortgage sales affected banks during the crisis. Loan sales are important because most banks sell mortgages as part of the securitization process, but few actually do the securitization. I find that stock returns increase when banks increase sales of mortgages used for refinancing rather than home purchase, suggesting that some banks scale up lending during ...
Working Paper Series , Paper WP-2010-20

Conference Paper
A proposal for \"financial institutions' secured asset-backed insurance fund\" or FINSAIF

Proceedings , Paper 1139

Journal Article
Not your father’s recovery?

There has been much talk about a disappointing recovery in the wake of the Great Recession?that this time it is much slower. Comparing features of this recovery to past recoveries casts some doubt on that view. The comparison is made using a scaled-down version of the sophisticated and powerful models that real forecasters actually use. Applying it to real GDP growth, unemployment, inflation, and the federal funds rate suggests that the recovery looks consistent with past recoveries?at least so far.
Economic Commentary , Issue Sep

Journal Article
Gauging the impact of the Great Recession

The Great Recession of 2007?2009, coming on the heels of a spending binge fueled by a housing bubble, so far has resulted in over $7,300 in foregone consumption per person, or about $175 per person per month. The recession has had many costs, including negative impacts on labor and housing markets, and lost government tax revenues. The extensive harm of this episode raises the question of whether policymakers could have done more to avoid the crisis.
FRBSF Economic Letter

Working Paper
Federal Reserve policies and financial market conditions during the crisis

During the recent financial crisis, the Federal Reserve implemented a series of extraordinary and unconventional policies to alleviate the impact of the crisis on financial markets and the economy. In this paper, we examine the effects of these policies on broad financial market conditions, explicitly taking into account that policy was endogenously determined in response to prevailing financial market and economic conditions. We find that the Fed was more likely to initiate or expand new programs when financial market conditions were tighter than usual and economic conditions deteriorating. ...
Working Paper Series , Paper WP-2011-04

Conference Paper
The financial crisis and credit markets

Proceedings , Paper 1135

Can we end too big to fail?

Presented by Charles I. Plosser, President and Chief Executive Officer, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, 4th Annual Simon New York City Conference Reform at a Crossroads: Economic Transformation in the Year Ahead
Speech , Paper 80

Conference Paper
Measuring systemic risk

Proceedings , Paper 1140

Conference Paper
Restoring market discipline on large financial institution

Proceedings , Paper 1137


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