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Fed’s Mortgage-Backed Securities Purchases Sought Calm, Accommodation During Pandemic

We explore the Federal Reserve’s purchases of agency MBS—mortgage bonds guaranteed by Ginnie Mae, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac—and related market dynamics during the pandemic, including why mortgage rates fell to historic lows.
Dallas Fed Economics

Working Paper
A deposit insurance system for Armenia

This paper provides an overview of the design for a system of official deposit guarantees for the Republic of Armenia. This proposed design takes into consideration the overall structure of the Armenian economy, its official institutions, and its financial system. Furthermore, we outline specific design features for the Armenian deposit insurance system that are consistent with the social welfare objectives that underpin arguments for its adoption, while minimizing the guarantees' distortion of incentives. Key among the design features are limited coverage of deposits, separation of deposit ...
Working Papers (Old Series) , Paper 0306

Life Insurers’ Preference for Familiar Bond Issuers Limits COVID-19 Shock Transmission

Despite regulations that encourage diversification and informational symmetry among buyers, insurance companies tend to lend to their current borrowers. This bondholder–issuer relationship moderates the effect of transitory economic shocks such as those associated with the onset of COVID-19.
Dallas Fed Economics

Journal Article
Don't know much about financial literacy : In this classroom, the right choice may be (d) all of the above

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Econ Focus , Volume 15 , Issue 3Q , Pages 17-19

Journal Article
Finance and macroeconomics

This Economic Letter summarizes papers presented at the conference "Finance and Macroeconomics" held at the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco on February 28 and March 1, 2003, under the joint sponsorship of the Bank and the Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research. The papers are listed at the end and are available at
FRBSF Economic Letter

Working Paper
Search-Based Models of Money and Finance: An Integrated Approach

Many applications of search theory in monetary economics use the Shi-Trejos-Wright model, hereafter STW, while applications in finance use Duffie-Grleanu-Pederson, hereafter DGP. These approaches have much in common, and both claim to be about liquidity, but the models also differ in a fundamental way: in STW agents use assets as payment instruments when trading goods; in DGP there are no gains from exchanging goods, but agents trade because they value assets differently with goods serving as payment instruments. We develop a framework nesting the two. This clarifies the connection between ...
Working Papers , Paper 709

Conference Paper
Financing the development of urban minority communities: lessons of history

Proceedings , Paper 791

Journal Article
New financing trends in Latin America : an overview of selected issues and policy challenges

This article summarizes a 2007 conference that explored the nature and implications of major transformations in Latin American financial markets, such as the shift from cross-border to domestic financing and the development of domestic bond markets.
Economic Review , Volume 93 , Issue 3

Energy Financing Trends Consistent with Renewables’ Growth

Equity markets appear to favor renewable-energy producers relative to their hydrocarbon counterparts. However, the relatively smaller size of many renewables projects complicates direct comparisons of bank lending to hydrocarbon and renewable entities.
Dallas Fed Economics

Journal Article
The Federal Reserve chart book as an aid to bank management

Federal Reserve Bulletin , Issue Apr , Pages 382-390


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