Search Results

Keywords:Federal open market committee OR Federal Open Market Committee 

Journal Article
Federal Open Market Committee directive (November 15, 2000)

Federal Reserve Bulletin , Issue Jan , Pages 15

Journal Article
The FOMC in 1978

Monetary Trends , Issue Aug

Journal Article
Federal Open Market Committee directive (August 21, 2001)

Federal Reserve Bulletin , Issue Oct , Pages 661

Journal Article
Federal Open Market Committee statements (September 20, 2005)

Federal Reserve Bulletin , Issue Aut

Journal Article
Why predict past FOMC actions?

Monetary Trends , Issue Jun

Journal Article
Statement to Congress, October 19, 1993 (Federal Reserve System Accountability Act of 1993, H.R. 28)

Federal Reserve Bulletin , Issue Dec , Pages 1115-1116

Journal Article
How does monetary policy affect the economy?

Federal Reserve Bulletin , Issue Oct , Pages 803-814

Journal Article
The FOMC in 1976: progress against inflation

Review , Volume 59 , Issue Mar

Journal Article
Measuring monetary policy inertia in target Fed funds rate changes

Recent research has grappled with an apparent paradox: Why would a central bank that is focused primarily on inflation control exhibit signs of inertia when making policy adjustments? In this article, Michael Dueker argues that fully characterizing the policy inertia is a precondition towards resolving the apparent paradox. This article presents empirical estimates of adjustments to the target fed funds rate that take into account two facets of policy inertia: a partial-adjustment mechanism and thresholds for making discrete changes to the target fed funds rate. With a more complete picture ...
Review , Volume 81 , Issue Sep , Pages 3-10

Journal Article
Federal Open Market Committee decreases pressure on bank reserve positions

Federal Reserve Bulletin , Issue Sep , Pages 849



FILTER BY Content Type

Journal Article 232 items

Speech 64 items

Working Paper 35 items

Report 13 items

Conference Paper 5 items

Monograph 2 items

show more (2)


anonymous 67 items

Dudley, William 23 items

Thornton, Daniel L. 20 items

Bullard, James B. 12 items

Fisher, Richard W. 11 items

Gavin, William T. 10 items

show more (188)

FILTER BY Jel Classification

E52 9 items

E58 6 items

E4 3 items

C53 2 items

E17 2 items

E3 2 items

show more (17)

FILTER BY Keywords

Federal Open Market Committee 352 items

Monetary policy 146 items

Federal funds rate 63 items

Monetary policy - United States 41 items

Open market operations 29 items

Federal Reserve System 28 items

show more (211)