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Journal Article
Atlanta Fed president Jack Guynn announces retirement
After 42 years at the Atlanta Fed, including the last 10 as president and chief executive officer, Jack Guynn has set Oct. 1 as his retirement date.
Journal Article
President's perspective
Journal Article
Against the tide: Malcolm Bryan and the introduction of monetary aggregate targets
Monetary policy was freed from the straightjacket of pegging U.S. Treasury interest rates following the Treasury-Federal Reserve Accord in 1951. This newfound freedom led to a growing debate inside and outside the Federal Reserve System about the appropriate measures to use as operating guides. This article examines the contributions of Malcolm Bryan, president of the Atlanta Fed from 1951 through 1965, to this debate and to the evolution of monetary policy in the postaccord era. ; Bryan parted company with most of his colleagues on the Federal Open Market Committee by trying to steer policy ...
Journal Article
Leadership at the Minneapolis Federal Reserve Bank
Journal Article
Dennis P. Lockhart named Atlanta Fed president and chief executive officer
The Atlanta Fed's board of directors has named Dennis P. Lockhart the fourteenth president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta.
Journal Article
Federalism and the Fed: the role of Reserve Bank presidents