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Keywords:Federal Reserve System - Regulations 

Journal Article
Banking regulation: the focus returns to the consumer

A renewed emphasis on consumer protection while maintaining safety and soundness.
The Region , Volume 18 , Issue Jun , Pages 14-17, 48-51

Journal Article
Historical review of objectives of Federal Reserve policy

Federal Reserve Bulletin , Issue Apr

Journal Article
Time-consistency and credible monetary policy after the crisis

The economic crisis and its aftermath have posed significant challenges to policymakers. To help meet those challenges, the Federal Reserve deployed several innovative policy tools to help relieve the stress in financial markets during the crisis. These tools have created their own significant challenges for the conduct of monetary policy in the post-crisis era. The wider range of policy options now available to policymakers makes it more difficult to credibly commit to a particular policy course, and this discretion poses a problem. This is because monetary policy is subject to a ...
Business Review , Issue Q2 , Pages 19-26

Journal Article
Why the Fed should consider holding M0 constant

Quarterly Review , Volume 1 , Issue Sum

Journal Article
Augean stables

FRBSF Economic Letter

Journal Article
Federal Reserve operations in payment mechanisms: a summary

Federal Reserve Bulletin , Issue Jun

Journal Article
Cheap money and the Federal Reserve System

Federal Reserve Bulletin , Issue May

Journal Article
Questioning Federal Reserve policies

Quarterly Review , Volume 1 , Issue Sum



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