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Keywords:Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas 

Brief comments on the economy and the business of the Dallas Fed

Remarks before the Park Cities Rotary Club, Dallas, Texas, February 9, 2007 ; "At this early juncture in 2007, I think it entirely reasonable to expect the economy to maintain an average pace of 3 percent growth for the year. And, if we at the Fed do our job well, we should be able to accommodate that growth rate while bringing inflation down below 2 percent."
Speeches and Essays , Paper 54

Journal Article
Midyear update: major metros driving Texas expansion

Southwest Economy , Issue Jul , Pages 3-7

A perspective on the U.S. Economy and monetary policy (with reference to the music of Richard Wagner and Gangsta Rap)

Remarks before New Mexico State University's Spring 2011 Domenici Institute Forum, Las Cruces, New Mexico, May 4, 2011 ; I will keep my comments as brief as possible this afternoon so as to leave ample time for Q&A. I want to first provide the prcis of the analysis of the nation?s economy that I presented to the FOMC (Federal Open Market Committee) last week on behalf of the 27 million citizens of the 11th District of the Federal Reserve System, including the citizens of Las Cruces and southern New Mexico. Second, I will discuss inflation as we see it at the Dallas Fed. But before getting ...
Speeches and Essays , Paper 89

Risks to sustained economic recovery (with lessons learned from Winston Churchill and Teddy Roosevelt)

"If the Congress is not careful and ends up where it is going in tampering with the independence of the Federal Reserve, it will indeed lead us down the path to the politicization of the central bank of the world's greatest economy, putting the United States on a road that leads directly to economic ruin." ; Remarks before the Annual Meeting of the Waco Business League, Waco, Texas, January 12, 2010.
Speeches and Essays , Paper 17

Journal Article
Banking industry evolution along the Texas-Mexico border

Southwest Economy , Issue Jul , Pages 11-13

A primer on inflation (with comments on real estate in the Metroplex)

Remarks at the 6th Annual Real Estate Symposium, North Dallas Chamber of Commerce, Dallas, Texas, August 30, 2006 ; "Our current analysis points to an economy at a crossroads. High energy prices, rising interest rates and the slowdown in a red-hot housing market have taken some of the steam out of what had been a fairly robust expansion. At the same time, our current inflation indicators are not presently as well behaved as I would like them to be. Central bankers are always concerned when inflation starts to rear its ugly head. We know from experience that once inflation gains momentum, it ...
Speeches and Essays , Paper 65

Remarks to the Headliners Club

Austin, Texas, February 27, 2007 ; "Last year, employment grew twice as fast in Texas as it did in the rest of the United States. Construction payrolls grew at five times the U.S. rate. We added 26,000 net new factory jobs in 2006, while the nation's manufacturers posted an overall loss of 110,300 jobs. The energy sector grew its workforce by over 13 percent, well outpacing the rest of the country's 7.5 percent rate. Our energy sector still only employs about 2 percent of our workforce. Texas excels at the high-value-added end of the equation: Our output per worker in computers and ...
Speeches and Essays , Paper 52

Journal Article
President's perspective

Southwest Economy , Issue Jul , Pages 2