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Keywords:Federal Agriculture Improvement and Reform Act of 1996 

Journal Article
Farm safety at any speed

Fedgazette , Volume 14 , Issue Mar , Pages 1-4

Journal Article
Whistling Dixie? Despite tough times for many, some farmers finding good times

Fedgazette , Volume 11 , Issue Oct , Pages 5

Journal Article
Not your father's farm recession

Fedgazette , Volume 11 , Issue Oct , Pages 3-4

Journal Article
Farm Crisis: Here we go again?

Fedgazette , Volume 11 , Issue Oct , Pages 1

Journal Article
How will the 1996 Farm Bill affect the outlook for District farmland values?

Farmland values in the states of the Tenth Federal Reserve District rose about 5.5 percent over the year ended June 30, 1997. Indeed, over the past two years prices in many parts of the country have risen sharply. The jump in farmland values comes at a time of dynamic change in the farm sector. Last year, the federal government enacted sweeping farm legislation that both lowers payments to producers and removes many government controls on farm production.> Government payments have been an important source of farm income for many years, and have likely been capitalized into farmland values. ...
Economic Review , Volume 82 , Issue Q IV , Pages 85-101

Journal Article
Saving the family farm, but from what?

Fedgazette , Volume 11 , Issue Oct , Pages 6-7

New farm bill enacted

Agricultural Letter , Issue Apr

Journal Article
Farming the government: Far from abandoning farmers, government policy stumbles into the new ag economy, helping some but not others

Fedgazette , Volume 11 , Issue Oct , Pages 8-9