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Working Paper
Shock-Dependent Exchange Rate Pass-Through: Evidence Based on a Narrative Sign Approach
This paper studies shock-dependent exchange rate pass-through for Japan with a Bayesian structural vector autoregression model. We identify the shocks by complementing the traditional sign and zero restrictions with narrative sign restrictions related to the Plaza Accord. We find that the narrative sign restrictions are highly informative, and substantially sharpen and even change the inferences of the structural vector autoregression model originally identified with only the traditional sign and zero restrictions. We show that there is a significant variation in the exchange rate ...
Working Paper
What Imports to Import Prices?
This study offers new insights into exchange rate pass-through (ERPT) using U.S. import price indexes by country-of-origin, covering two decades of monthly data. Focusing on the largest U.S. trading partners, our analysis shows that ERPT is more muted than previously estimated, with freight costs having no measurable impact on import prices and foreign production costs exerting only limited influence. We also observe significant heterogeneity in countries’ short-run responses, shaped by differences in trade composition and pricing strategies. Consistent estimates across common dynamic panel ...
Working Paper
Missing Import Price Changes and Low Exchange Rate Pass-Through
A large body of empirical work has found that exchange rate movements have only modest effects on inflation. However, the response of an import price index to exchange rate movements may be underestimated because some import price changes are missed when constructing the index. We investigate downward biases that arise when items experiencing a price change are especially likely to exit or to enter the index. We show that, in theoretical pricing models, entry and exit have different implications for the timing and size of these biases. Using Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) microdata, we ...