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Journal Article
Investment ratios and economic growth rates

Economic Review , Issue Spr , Pages 9-20

Conference Paper
Economic policy for the information economy : overview

Proceedings - Economic Policy Symposium - Jackson Hole

Journal Article
E pluribus EMU? how will Europe cope with a single currency?

Regional Review , Volume 8 , Issue Q 4 , Pages 12-17

Working Paper
Efficiency barriers to the consolidation of the European financial services industry

Cross-border consolidation of financial institutions within Europe has been relatively limited, possibly reflecting efficiency barriers to operating across borders, including distance; differences in language, culture, currency, and regulatory/supervisory structures; and explicit or implicit rules against foreign competitors. EU policies such as the Single Market Programme and the European Monetary Union attenuate some but not all of these barriers. The evidence is consistent with the hypothesis that these barriers offset most of any potential efficiency gains from cross-border consolidation. ...
Finance and Economics Discussion Series , Paper 2000-37

Journal Article
The changing pattern of U.S. trade: 1975-1985

Economic Review , Issue Oct , Pages 36-42

Conference Paper
Monetary policy issues for the Eurosystem


Discussion Paper
Can Electric Cars Power China’s Growth?

China’s aggressive policies to develop its battery-powered electric vehicle (BEV) industry have been successful in making the country the dominant producer of these vehicles worldwide. Going forward, BEVs will likely claim a growing share of global motor vehicle sales, helped along by subsides and mandates implemented in the United States, Europe, and elsewhere. Nevertheless, China’s success in selling BEVs may not contribute much to its GDP growth, owing both to the maturity of its motor vehicle sector and the strong tendency for countries to protect this high-profile industry.
Liberty Street Economics , Paper 20240228

Journal Article
Can trade links transmit a European crisis?

A GIIPS crisis wouldn't have too strong an effect on the U.S. economy, but an EU-wide crisis may be a serious concern.
Economic Synopses

Journal Article
Thinking globally: International prospects for 2002

EconSouth , Volume 3 , Issue Q4 , Pages 24-29

Labor Force Participation and Hours Worked Recovery: U.S. vs. Europe

The labor force participation rate in the U.S. had returned to its pre-pandemic level by 2023:Q2, but hours worked per person had not. What about in European countries?
On the Economy


FILTER BY Content Type

Journal Article 21 items

Conference Paper 8 items

Working Paper 6 items

Discussion Paper 5 items

Report 3 items

Newsletter 1 items

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Klitgaard, Thomas 3 items

Cecchetti, Stephen G. 2 items

Glick, Reuven 2 items

Hutchison, Michael M. 2 items

Noeth, Bryan J. 2 items

Pesenti, Paolo 2 items

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FILTER BY Jel Classification

E2 2 items

F00 2 items

D24 1 items

E22 1 items

E24 1 items

E31 1 items

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FILTER BY Keywords

Europe 45 items

Monetary policy 6 items

Banks and banking, Central 4 items

European Monetary System (Organization) 4 items

Foreign exchange rates 3 items

International trade 3 items

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