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Keywords:Energy policy 

Journal Article
The impact of oil prices on economic activity

EconSouth , Volume 4 , Issue Q3 , Pages 1

Journal Article
Energy = money

FRBSF Economic Letter

Journal Article
U.S. natural gas prices heat up

Southwest Economy , Issue Sep , Pages 1, 9-12

Journal Article
Micropower: The next big thing?

Fedgazette , Volume 13 , Issue Mar , Pages 11-14

Working Paper
Unilateral OECD policies to mitigate global climate change

This article offers an alternative perspective for thinking about climate change policy when the developing countries are not participating. If industrialized countries cooperate with each other to reduce their emissions, but comply at levels below those required under the Kyoto protocol, they will have incentives to adopt policies that are more costly to the world than a carbon tax. These incentives result from terms-of-trade gains that result if conservation lowers world prices lower for fuels the industrialized countries import. We consider cases where the industrialized countries act ...
Working Papers , Paper 0003

Journal Article
Terms of trade and OECD policies to mitigate global climate change

Previous economic research has identified two ways policy to mitigate global climate change could be implemented without minimizing world costs. Costs are boosted when agreements to reduce greenhouse gas emissions are limited to a subset of countries or deadlines for reducing emissions force the premature retirement of energy-using capital equipment. Stephen Brown and Hillard Huntington identify a third way global warming policy could prove more costly from a world perspective-by countries using criteria other than a fuel's greenhouse gas content when determining how to reduce their ...
Economic and Financial Policy Review

Journal Article

FRBSF Economic Letter

Journal Article
Charleston's cool: U.S. mayors go green

Econ Focus , Volume 10 , Issue Fall , Pages 10

The case for direct methods to address CO2 emissions and other negative environmental externalities

Existing policies to reduce emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) largely have been structured to subsidize alternative energy technologies. Yet these policies are likely not to be as useful as ones that target CO2 emissions directly, such as an emissions tax or a "cap and trade" program.
Richmond Fed Economic Brief , Issue Oct

Journal Article
The electricity system at the crossroads--policy choices and pitfalls

Can electricity markets be successfully opened to competition? Events ranging from California's electricity crisis to the fall of electricity trading giant Enron have caused policymakers to reexamine the benefits of restructuring the industry. This article examines policy developments in the Midwest and highlights some lessons that might help guide future electricity policy.
Economic Perspectives , Volume 26 , Issue Q I , Pages 2-18


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Journal Article 24 items

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