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Keywords:Emigration and immigration 

Journal Article
Mexican migrants stay in border comfort zone

Limited access to migrant networks and strong geographic preferences may underlie border migrants' willingness to settle for lower wages on the border rather than seek higher wages by venturing into the U.S. interior.
Southwest Economy , Issue May , Pages 10-13

Working Paper
Is there too little immigration? an analysis of temporary skilled migration

This paper presents a model of legal migration of temporary skilled workers from one source country to two host countries, both of which can control their levels of such immigration. Because of complementarities between capital and labor, the return on capital is positively related to the level of immigration. Consequently, when capital is immobile, host nations? optimal levels of immigration are positively related to their capital endowments. Further, when capital is mobile between the host nations, the common return on capital is a function of the levels of immigration in both countries, ...
Working Papers , Paper 2006-062

Journal Article
Manning the gates: migration policy in the Great Recession

During the downturn, advanced economies as well as developing countries adopted policies ranging from keeping new migrants out to encouraging resident migrants to leave.
Economic Letter , Volume 5

Journal Article
Lessons learned from the conference series: an informed discussion of financial access for immigrants

During the past two years, the Consumer and Community Affairs (CCA) division of the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago held a series of conferences focused on increasing access to financial services for immigrants. The conference series was conducted under the umbrella of CCA?s Center for the Study of Financial Access for Immigrants. The primary goal of the conference series was to provide forums where individuals interested in the topic of financial services access for immigrants could share ideas, practices, and innovative approaches to meeting immigrant financial services demand. The ...
Profitwise , Issue Aug

Working Paper
Immigration, remittances and business cycles

We use data on border enforcement and macroeconomic indicators from the U.S. and Mexico to estimate a two-country business cycle model of labor migration and remittances. The model matches the cyclical dynamics of labor migration to the U.S. and documents how remittances to Mexico serve an insurance role to smooth consumption across the border. During expansions in the destination economy, immigration increases with the expected stream of future wage gains, but it is dampened by a sunk migration cost that reflects the intensity of border enforcement. During recessions, established migrants ...
International Finance Discussion Papers , Paper 998

Working Paper
Self-selection among undocumented immigrants from Mexico

This paper examines the effect of changes in migration determinants on the skill level of undocumented immigrants from Mexico. The authors focus on the effect of changes in economic conditions, migrant networks, and border enforcement on the educational attainment of Mexican-born men who cross the border illegally. Although previous research indicates that illegal aliens from Mexico tend to be unskilled relative to U.S. natives and that economic conditions, networks, and border enforcement affect the size of illegal immigrant flows across the border, the interaction of these variables has not ...
FRB Atlanta Working Paper , Paper 2001-1

Journal Article
Effects of California migration

FRBSF Economic Letter

Conference Paper
Commentary on session III: U.S.-Mexico remittances: recent trends and measurement issues

Summary and discussion of the three papers in this session: "Leveraging remittances for development" by Dilip Ratha; "Remittances and their microeconomic impacts: evidence from Latin America" by Catalina Amuedo-Dorantes; and "The relationship between international migration, trade, and development: some paradoxes and findings" by J. Edward Taylor. ; The rest of this commentary explores recent trends in U.S.-Mexico remittances, explaining how they are measured and comparing them with forecasts of remittances based on an econometric model and with trends in other developing countries.

Journal Article
Enforcing sanctions against employers of illegal aliens

Economic and Financial Policy Review , Issue May , Pages 1-15

Conference Paper
The relationship between international migration, trade, and development: some paradoxes and findings

The interactions among trade, international migration, and economic development in migrant-sending areas are complex, and paradoxes abound. This paper summarizes global trends in world migration and remittances, discusses some paradoxes surrounding the trade-migration-development relationship, and reports findings from new research on Mexico-to-U.S. migration, using data from rural Mexico. It concludes with some thoughts about designing policies to raise the development potential of remittances in migrant-sending areas.



FILTER BY Content Type

Journal Article 53 items

Working Paper 22 items

Conference Paper 21 items

Report 6 items

Speech 3 items


Orrenius, Pia M. 11 items

Zavodny, Madeline 8 items

Davies, Phil 4 items

Gabriel, Stuart A. 4 items

Mattey, Joe P. 4 items

Wall, Howard J. 4 items

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FILTER BY Jel Classification

E3 1 items

G2 1 items

N1 1 items

FILTER BY Keywords

Emigration and immigration 105 items

Immigrants 15 items

International trade 15 items

Economic development 14 items

Developing countries 11 items

Labor market 10 items

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