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Keywords:Electronic payments 

Working Paper
General purpose reloadable prepaid cards : penetration, use, fees and fraud risks

Prepaid cards are the most rapidly growing payment instrument. General purpose reloadable (GPR) prepaid cards, in particular, have gained considerable traction especially among the unbanked and underbanked. How these cards are used is now of acute interest to both policymakers, seeking to ensure broad access to electronic payment methods, consumer protection for prepaid cards, and payments system security, and to payment card industry participants, desiring to advance their product offerings and business models. This study examines the end-user experience of using a GPR card. It investigates ...
Research Working Paper , Paper RWP 14-1

Discussion Paper
Trends and preferences in consumer payments: updates from the visa payment panel study

Michael Marx, senior director, Visa Research Insights, conducted a workshop in 2009 at the Payment Cards Center (PCC) as the economy was emerging from a recession. At that time, it appeared that the recession had affected consumer payment preferences, especially those related to cash and credit cards. To get an update on consumers? use of the various payment methods, the PCC invited Marx to facilitate another workshop in 2014. More recent findings from the Visa Payment Panel Study reveal declines in cash use ? a return to the long-term trend ? and increases in credit card use, perhaps ...
Consumer Finance Institute discussion papers , Paper 15-2


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