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Journal Article
Deregulating electric utilities: issues and implications
Journal Article
Striking a better bargain for electric power in New England
Journal Article
Power to the Northwest
Working Paper
Total factor productivity and electric utilities regulation
An examination of the components of total factor productivity, including its measurement and the usefulness of TFP indicators to regulators.
Journal Article
Rewiring the system: the changing structure of the electric power industry.
In the United States, significant changes have taken place in the structure of electricity markets. Twenty-three states, including Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Delaware, have changed or will be changing their laws to allow consumers to switch electricity suppliers. In some states, millions of consumers have already switched. What brought about the deregulation of an industry previously considered a "natural monopoly"? In "Rewiring the System: The Changing Structure of the Electric Power Industry," Tim Schiller describes the changes in law and the developments in economic theory that ...
Journal Article
Utility costs and pricing
Journal Article
Regional electricity reliability: a brief look at U.S. prospects
Journal Article
Lighting up Big Sky, dereg style
Electricity deregulation comes to Montana?so far, to the cheers of some and the chagrin of many.
Journal Article
Lowering electricity prices through deregulation
A wave of regulatory reform is now transforming the U.S. electricity industry. As state and federal authorities allow independent power producers to compete with utilities in supplying electricity, consumers are paying close attention to the effects of this change on their energy bills. Although deregulation poses significant structural challenges, the introduction of competitive pressures should ultimately lead to efficiency gains for the industry and cost savings for households and businesses.