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Keywords:Education - New England 

Journal Article
First person: Gerald Chertavian, Year Up Executive Director: changing minds

In 2000, a tech entrepreneur who dreamed of helping low-income young adults build solid career paths founded a unique school. Since then he has been changing minds about what people need to succeed.
Communities and Banking , Issue Sum , Pages 22-24

The middle-skills gap: ensuring an adequate supply of skilled labor in northern and southern New England

Recent evidence suggests that a mismatch between the skills demanded by employers and the skills supplied by the population may be underway, particularly for ?middle-skill? workers who possess some college education or an associate?s degree. This policy brief examines the middle-skill mismatch in New England, comparing recent labor market trends and future projections for the northern versus southern subregions. The analysis finds that the nature of the mismatch varies within the region, indicating that policymakers should tailor their potential responses as opposed to taking a uniform ...
New England Public Policy Center Policy Brief

Journal Article
High returns: public investment in higher education

Conservatively speaking, a college graduate generates $142,000 in state fiscal benefits over time while costing a state only $60,500. But trends in higher education allocations (4.1 percent of total state spending nationwide in 1984; 1.8 percent in 2004) suggest states have become shortsighted.
Communities and Banking , Issue Spr , Pages 31-34