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Keywords:Economies of scale 

Journal Article
Why do estimates of bank scale economies differ?

A number of public policy issues turn on whether or not there are scale economies in commercial banking. This paper examines why empirical tests in this area have yielded differing results. Sorting out the different methodological approaches enables us to develop general conclusions on the size and significance of scale economies in banking.
Economic Review , Volume 76 , Issue Sep , Pages 38-50

A revenue-restricted cost study of 100 large banks

Research Paper , Paper 8806

Working Paper
Technical change, regulation, and economies of scale for large commercial banks: an application of a modified version of Shephard's Lemma

Working Paper Series, Issues in Financial Regulation , Paper 89-11

Conference Paper
Are scale economies in banking elusive or illusive? evidence obtained by incorporating capital structure and risk-taking into models of bank production

Proceedings , Paper 700

Working Paper
Who said large banks don’t experience scale economies? Evidence from a risk-return-driven cost function

The Great Recession focused attention on large financial institutions and systemic risk. We investigate whether large size provides any cost advantages to the economy and, if so, whether these cost advantages are due to technological scale economies or too-big-to-fail subsidies. Estimating scale economies is made more complex by risk-taking. Better diversification resulting from larger scale generates scale economies but also incentives to take more risk. When this additional risk-taking adds to cost, it can obscure the underlying scale economies and engender misleading econometric estimates ...
Working Papers , Paper 13-13

Journal Article
How efficient are Third District banks?

Business Review , Issue Jan , Pages 3-18

Journal Article
Cost dispersion and the measurement of economies in banking

An abstract for this article is not available
Economic Review , Volume 73 , Issue May , Pages 24-38

Working Paper
Capital utilization and returns to scale

Working Paper Series, Macroeconomic Issues , Paper 95-5

Working Paper
Three sources of increasing returns to scale

This paper reviews various types of increasing returns from a critical perspective. Increasing returns have been introduced in a monopolistic-competition model both at the firm level and at the aggregate level. We show that the degree of the aggregate returns to scale is a linear combination of three return parameters, with the weights determined by the specification of a zero-profit condition. Identification issues are discussed with an emphasis on recent macro literature. We argue that disaggregate data give information on the market structure rather than the technology. Welfare ...
Finance and Economics Discussion Series , Paper 1997-18

Establishment size dynamics in the aggregate economy

Why do growth and net exit rates of establishments decline with size? What determines the size distribution of establishments? This paper presents a theory of establishment dynamics that simultaneously rationalizes the basic facts on economy-wide establishment growth, net exit, and size distributions. The theory emphasizes the accumulation of industry-specific human capital in response to industry-specific productivity shocks. It predicts that establishment growth and net exit rates should decline faster with size and that the establishment size distribution should have thinner tails in ...
Staff Report , Paper 382


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