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Keywords:Economic development - China 

The Chinese economy: progress and challenges

a speech at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing, China
Speech , Paper 252

China’s uncommon emergence: still under way

China has emerged as a global player both socially and economically. What's behind China's great strides in economic performance? This month's Newsletter details some of the reasons for China's growth.
Liber8 Economic Information Newsletter , Issue Oct

Working Paper
Flying geese or sitting ducks: China’s impact on the trading fortunes of other Asian economies

This paper updates our earlier work (Ahearne, Fernald, Loungani and Schindler, 2003) on whether China, with its huge pool of labor and an allegedly undervalued exchange rate, is hurting the export performance of other emerging market economies in Asia. We continue to find that while exchange rates matter for export performance, the income growth of trading partners matters far more. This suggests the potential for exports of all Asian economies to grow in harmony as long as global growth is strong. We also examine changes in export shares of Asian economies to the U.S. market and find ...
International Finance Discussion Papers , Paper 887