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Keywords:Economic conditions - Japan 

Working Paper
Credit, housing collateral and consumption: evidence from the UK, Japan and the US

The consumption behaviour of U.K., U.S. and Japanese households is examined and compared using a modern Ando-Modigliani style consumption function. The models incorporate income growth expectations, income uncertainty, housing collateral and other credit effects. These models therefore capture important parts of the financial accelerator. The evidence is that credit availability for U.K. and U.S. but not Japanese households has undergone large shifts since 1980. The average consumption-to-income ratio shifted up in the U.K. and U.S. as mortgage downpayment constraints eased and as the ...
Working Papers , Paper 1002

Journal Article
Regional business cycle phases in Japan

This paper uses a Markov-switching model with structural breaks to characterize and compare regional business cycles in Japan for the period 1976-2005. An early-1990s structural break meant a reduction in national and regional growth rates in expansion and recession, usually resulting in an increase in the spread between the two phases. Although recessions tended to be experienced across a majority of regions throughout the sample period, the occurrence and lengths of recessions at the regional level have increased over time.
Review , Volume 89 , Issue Jan , Pages 61-80

Journal Article
Beyond the border: Japan's economy still looks recessionary

Southwest Economy , Issue Jul , Pages 9-10

Conference Paper
What lessons can be learned from recent financial crises? : the Japanese experience

Proceedings - Economic Policy Symposium - Jackson Hole

Journal Article
Does Japan offer any lessons for the United States?

In the late 1990s, some observers began to make comparisons between the rapid rise in stock prices then taking place in the United States and the escalation in asset values in Japan in the late 1980s. Did Japan's experience, which was followed by more than a decade of stagnation, contain any cautionary lessons for the United States? With the recent slowing in the pace of U.S. economic activity, the question has been asked more earnestly; and while the prevailing view remains that the United States is not Japan, the denials have been less forceful. ; This article compares Japan's experience ...
New England Economic Review

Journal Article
Economic problems facing post-treaty Japan

Federal Reserve Bulletin , Issue Jan

Journal Article
How big is Japan's debt?

International Economic Trends , Issue Feb

Journal Article
Japan's growth performance over the last decade

Quarterly Review , Volume 12 , Issue Sum , Pages 45-55

Excerpts from Remarks on the process of creative destruction

Remarks to the Fort Worth Chamber of Commerce and the Fort Worth Petroleum Club, Leaders in Government Series, Fort Worth, Texas, January 19, 2006 ; "There is a dynamic tension in Japan today. Prime Minister Koizumi has taken on the old political dinosaurs. Young entrepreneurs gathered in the new office buildings in the Roppongi Hills area of Tokyo and elsewhere have challenged the tightly interwoven culture of the old Japanese corporate hierarchy. Foreign investment has positioned itself for a sea change in Japan's direction."
Speeches and Essays , Paper 81

Working Paper
Regional business cycle phases in Japan

This paper uses a Markov-switching model with structural breaks to characterize and compare regional business cycles in Japan for 1976-2005. An early 1990s structural break meant a reduction in national and regional growth rates in expansion and recession, usually resulting in an increase in the spread between the two phases. Although recessions tended to be experienced across a majority of regions throughout the sample period, the occurrence and lengths of recessions at the regional level have increased over time.
Working Papers , Paper 2006-053


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