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Keywords:Discrimination in consumer credit 

Journal Article
Redlining or red herring?

Southwest Economy , Issue May , Pages 8-13

Working Paper
Does credit scoring produce a disparate impact?

The widespread use of credit scoring in the underwriting and pricing of mortgage and consumer credit has raised concerns that the use of these scores may unfairly disadvantage minority populations. A specific concern has been that the independent variables that comprise these models may have a disparate impact on these demographic groups. By "disparate impact" we mean that a variable's predictive power might arise not from its ability to predict future performance within any demographic group, but rather from acting as a surrogate for group membership. Using a unique source of data that ...
Finance and Economics Discussion Series , Paper 2010-58

Discussion Paper
Access to credit and financial services among black households

Consumer and Community Affairs Policy Studies , Paper 2000-1

Discussion Paper
Discrimination in consumer credit markets

Research Papers in Banking and Financial Economics , Paper 57

Working Paper
Racial differences in short-run earnings stabilityand implications for credit markets

This paper examines the claim that observed racial differences in rejection rates for mortgage applications, which persist after controlling for many relevant factors, are due to racial differences in short-run earnings stability, which has not typically been included in empirical tests. The evidence does not support the proposition that blacks suffer from greater earnings instability than comparable whites, as few consistent significant differences between black and white earnings volatility are found. Only in the case of drastic earnings shocks with persistent effects does the possibility ...
Finance and Economics Discussion Series , Paper 1997-34

Working Paper
Credit card redlining revisited

Using a proprietary dataset of credit bureau records, Cohen-Cole (2008) finds that banks set credit limits on revolving accounts based in part on the racial composition of the neighborhood in which each borrower resides. This paper evaluates the evidence presented in that working paper using the same proprietary database of credit bureau records. The replication effort presented in this paper suggests that decisions about how to calculate the variables used in that study may have resulted in the unnecessary exclusion of one-fifth of available observations from the estimation samples and may ...
Finance and Economics Discussion Series , Paper 2009-39

Discussion Paper
Do we still need the Equal Credit Opportunity Act?

The Equal Credit Opportunity Act (ECOA) prohibits discrimination in any aspect of a credit transaction based on sex, marital status, race, ethnicity, age, or other specified factors. Regulation B implementing the ECOA, a applied by the courts, requires that financial institutions challenged on the basis that a policy or practice has a disparate impact on a protected class must demonstrate that such a policy or practices is related to creditworthiness and is justified by a legitimate and necessary business objective. Certain factors that lenders may use in their decisions regarding ...
Consumer Finance Institute discussion papers , Paper 12-03

Working Paper
The role of race in mortgage lending: revisiting the Boston Fed study

This paper reexamines claims that non-economic discrimination persists in mortgage loan origination decisions. I find that racial differences in outcomes do exist, as minorities fare worse regarding debt-to-income requirements but better for loan-to-value requirements. Overall, significant racial differentials exist only for ``marginal'' applicants and are not present for those with higher incomes or those with no credit problems. Thus, the claim that non-economic discrimination is a general phenomenon is refuted. Further, I can say little regarding the existence of discrimination among ...
Finance and Economics Discussion Series , Paper 1997-2

Working Paper
Self-selection and discrimination in credit markets

This paper increases understanding of the causes and consequences of discrimination in credit markets. It develops an underwriting model in which lenders use a simple Bayesian updating process to evaluate applicant creditworthiness. It also models individuals' self-selection behavior to show how market frictions can affect application decisions.
Working Papers (Old Series) , Paper 9809


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