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Keywords:Discount window 

Journal Article
Federal Reserve proposes changes to discount window

Financial Update , Volume 15 , Issue Jul , Pages 1-2

Conference Paper
Discount window borrowing and liquidity

Proceedings , Paper 1, pt. 1

Working Paper
Considerations regarding the use of the discount window to support economic activity through a funding for lending program

This paper considers the use of the Federal Reserve's ability to provide loans to depository institutions under its discount window lending authority in support of achieving its monetary policy objectives through a funding for lending program. Broadly, a funding for lending program could be structured as one in which the Federal Reserve makes ample low-cost funding available to banks or a program in which the Federal Reserve only provides low-cost funding conditional on the banks meeting certain lending targets. We provide a general description of how a funding for lending program could be ...
Finance and Economics Discussion Series , Paper 2022-070

Working Paper
Can the Federal Reserve Effectively Target Main Street? Evidence from the 1970s Recession

Modern central bankers confront a challenge of providing economic stimulus even when the policy rate is constrained by a lower bound. This challenge has led to substantial innovation by policymakers and a proliferation of new policy tools. In this paper, I offer evidence on the efficacy of a new tool known as funding for lending, which provides banks with subsidized funding to make additional loans. I focus on a historical episode from the United States in which the Federal Reserve provided banks with steeply subsidized loans to promote the expansion of credit within their local communities. ...
Finance and Economics Discussion Series , Paper 2021-061

Working Paper
Capital requirements and rational discount window borrowing

When banks face capital regulations and stochastic deposit supply, their decisions to borrow at the discount window will be affected by a broader range of variables than previous theoretical and empirical studies have recognized. Moreover, those decisions can respond discontinuously to changes in market parameters and to the form of rationing rule by which the discount window is administered. Risk aversion can complicate these linkages considerably, even causing some banks to prefer a positive discount rate that may exceed the actual level.
Working Papers , Paper 96-4

Journal Article
Statement to Congress, November 21, 1985 (discount window lending to Farm Credit System and agricultural banks)

Federal Reserve Bulletin , Issue Jan

Journal Article
Discounting the discount rate

Monetary Trends , Issue Dec

Journal Article
Access to the discount window for all commercial banks: is it important for monetary policy?

Review , Volume 62 , Issue Feb , Pages 15-24

Journal Article
Ferguson reviews lessons from 9/11

Financial Update , Volume 16 , Issue Q 2



FILTER BY Content Type

Journal Article 37 items

Working Paper 20 items

Report 5 items

Conference Paper 3 items

Speech 3 items

Discussion Paper 2 items

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anonymous 11 items

Carlson, Mark A. 8 items

Zarutskie, Rebecca 7 items

Peristiani, Stavros 4 items

Wheelock, David C. 4 items

Gilbert, R. Alton 3 items

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FILTER BY Jel Classification

E58 8 items

G21 8 items

E60 7 items

G2 2 items

E52 1 items

G1 1 items

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FILTER BY Keywords

Discount window 73 items

Federal Reserve System 8 items

Financial crises 8 items

Funding for lending 8 items

Federal Reserve 7 items

Liquidity (Economics) 7 items

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