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Community Broadband Survey Paves Way for Expanding Digital Access in Southern New Mexico
Like millions of people across the U.S., many residents of Doña Ana County in southern New Mexico struggle to find the internet access they need for school, work and daily life.
How Can You Close the Digital Divide in Your Community? Start with a Needs Assessment
The shape of the digital divide is different in each community. Affordability, infrastructure, lack of devices or skills, and low awareness of the internet’s benefits can all be factors.
Is federal broadband funding going to states that need it most?
In the first of a three-part series on digital inclusion, we discuss the details of recent federal broadband funding and its connection to the level of broadband availability.
Texas, Louisiana and New Mexico laying groundwork for greater internet connectivity
This first article in a series on digital inclusion documents the level of digital connectivity in 2022 in the Federal Reserve’s Eleventh District—Texas, northern Louisiana and southern New Mexico.
Dallas Faces a Gaping Digital Divide When It Comes to Economic Inclusion
In the city of Dallas, about 42 percent of households lack a fixed connection to the internet. What does this mean for our neighbors’ economic future? How can we close the digital divide?
Connecting Communities During COVID-19: A Quick Guide to Broadband Solutions for Local Governments
Directives for social distancing and stay-at-home orders have made access to broadband an urgent necessity for families as they struggle to stay connected with schooling, jobs, health care, government assistance and more.
Journal Article
Digital Inclusion: It’s Not Just about Access
Learn why digital inclusion is a multifaceted issue, from basic internet access to hardware and digital literacy.
Funding to address broadband gaps in the Eleventh District
This article examines Infrastructure and Investment Jobs Act funding distribution in Texas, Louisiana and New Mexico.