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Journal Article
Are displaced workers now finished at age forty?

In recent years, the media has devoted considerable attention to the effects of downsizing and corporate restructuring on U.S. workers. Economists as well as the media have focused in particular on the plight of laid-off, or "displaced," middle-aged workers. Because many displaced workers incur significant costs, the displacement rate and the effects of displacement on workers are of concern to policymakers. ; The conventional wisdom that middle-aged workers face an increased risk of being displaced and increased difficulties after displacement is partially borne out by this article's ...
Economic Review , Volume 85 , Issue Q2 , Pages 33-48

Working Paper
Population growth and asset prices

This paper explores the theoretical relationship between the population growth rate and asset prices implied by an overlapping-generations model. The model shows that changes in a population's age distribution affect asset prices but such changes generate low frequency movements in asset prices. The model also shows that the treatment of expectations matter; a small response of individuals to changes in asset prices has large implications for the path of asset prices. Finally, the model shows that incorporating a supply of assets by interpreting an asset as a claim on physical capital ...
Working Papers , Paper 1997-016

Journal Article
Economic policy implications of world demographic change

Demographic changes over the next 50 years will affect the world economy in many ways. Some of these effects will be beneficial. In developing countries, for example, falling birthrates will enable women to supply more paid labor and families to invest more in the education of each child. Other demographic changes will cause economic problems. In developed countries, population aging is likely to imply government pension systems cannot continue with their current rules. Population growth in developing countries could also change patterns of world trade and thereby reduce the wages of some ...
Economic Review , Volume 89 , Issue Q I , Pages 39-64

The national and regional economic outlook

Remarks at Fordham University's Gabelli School of Business, Bronx, New York.
Speech , Paper 69

The road to recovery: Brooklyn

Remarks by President Dudley at the Brooklyn Chamber of Commerce Brooklyn Borough Hall, Brooklyn, New York.
Speech , Paper 58

Journal Article
Demographics, redistribution, and optimal inflation

The authors study the interaction among population demographics, the desire for intergenerational redistribution of resources in the economy, and the optimal inflation rate in a deterministic life cycle economy with capital. Young cohorts initially have no assets and wages are the main source of income; these cohorts prefer relatively low real interest rates, relatively high wages, and relatively high rates of inflation. Older cohorts work less and prefer higher rates of return from their savings, relatively low wages, and relatively low inflation. In the absence of intergenerational ...
Review , Issue Nov , Pages 419-440

The coming demographic transition: will we treat future generations fairly?

a speech at the Washington Economic Club, Washington, D.C.
Speech , Paper 234

Working Paper
Projected U.S. demographics and social security

Without policy reforms, the aging of the U.S. population is likely to increase the burden of the currently unfunded social security and medicare systems. In this paper we build an applied general equilibrium model and incorporate the population projections made by the Social Security Administration (SSA) to evaluate the macroeconomic and welfare implications of alternative fiscal responses to the retirement of the baby- boomers. Our calculation suggest that it will be costly to maintain the benefits at the levels now promised because the increases in distortionary taxes required to finance ...
Working Paper Series , Paper WP-98-14

World population trends and challenges

Presentation at Lincoln University, Jefferson City, Mo., Oct. 4, 2004
Speech , Paper 15

The recovery and monetary policy

Remarks at the National Association for Business Economics Annual Meeting, New York City.
Speech , Paper 89



FILTER BY Content Type

Journal Article 42 items

Conference Paper 29 items

Working Paper 23 items

Speech 13 items

Report 10 items

Newsletter 2 items

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Dudley, William 6 items

Zavodny, Madeline 5 items

Poole, William 4 items

Wall, Howard J. 4 items

Yoo, Peter S. 4 items

Kolesnikova, Natalia A. 3 items

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FILTER BY Jel Classification

E24 2 items

I11 1 items

I12 1 items

I18 1 items

J11 1 items

J24 1 items

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FILTER BY Keywords

Demography 120 items

Economic conditions 33 items

Population 19 items

Labor market 11 items

Federal Reserve District, 2nd 9 items

Inflation (Finance) 9 items

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