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Working Paper
Population growth and asset prices
Yoo, Peter S.
This paper explores the theoretical relationship between the population growth rate and asset prices implied by an overlapping-generations model. The model shows that changes in a population's age distribution affect asset prices but such changes generate low frequency movements in asset prices. The model also shows that the treatment of expectations matter; a small response of individuals to changes in asset prices has large implications for the path of asset prices. Finally, the model shows that incorporating a supply of assets by interpreting an asset as a claim on physical capital ...
Working Papers
, Paper 1997-016
Journal Article
Don't worry, we'll grow out of it: an analysis of demographics, consumer spending, and foreign debt
Byrne, Susan M.; Bryan, Michael F.
An analysis of the impact of the baby-boom generation's inrush into the work force on consumer spending, debt, and foreign investment, finding evidence that age demographics are a strong determinant of aggregate household consumption.
Economic Commentary
, Issue Oct
Conference Paper
The fiscal impact of population change
Edwards, Ryan D.; Lee, Ronald D.
Population aging, and changing population age distributions, affect the fiscal situation through multiple channels, including the following: ; 1. Changing age distributions alter the per worker cost of providing a given age-vector of per capita benefits. For example, population aging will dramatically increase the costs of providing even existing benefits for Social Security and Medicare. ; 2. As a qualification to point 1, we note that fluctuations in population age distribution, for example, as caused by the baby boom in the United States, and transitional changes in age distribution, for ...
Conference Series ; [Proceedings]
, Volume 46
Working Paper
The effects of recessions across demographic groups
Wall, Howard J.; Engemann, Kristie M.
The burdens of a recession are not spread evenly across demographic groups. The public and media, for example, noticed that, from the start of the current recession in December 2007 through June 2009, men accounted for more than three quarters of net job losses. Other differences have garnered less attention, but are just as interesting. During the same period, the employment of single people fell at more than twice the rate that it did for married people, while black employment fell at one-and-a-half times the rate that white employment did. To have a more complete understanding about what ...
Working Papers
, Paper 2009-052
Journal Article
The effects of recessions across demographic groups
Wall, Howard J.; Engemann, Kristie M.
The burdens of a recession are not spread evenly across demographic groups. As the public and media noticed, from the start of the current recession in December 2007 through June 2009 men accounted for more than three-quarters of net job losses. Other differences have garnered less attention but are just as interesting. During the same period, the employment of single people fell at more than twice the rate that it did for married people and the decline for black workers was one and a half times that for white workers. To provide a more complete understanding of the effect of recessions, this ...
, Volume 92
, Issue Jan
Working Paper
Demographics and medical care spending: standard and non-standard effects
Sheiner, Louise; Cutler, David M.
In this paper, we examine the effects of likely demographic changes on medical spending for the elderly. Standard forecasts highlight the potential for greater life expectancy to increase costs: medical costs generally increase with age, and greater life expectancy means that more of the elderly will be in the older age groups. Two factors work in the other direction, however. First, increases in life expectancy mean that a smaller share of the elderly will be in the last year of life, when medical costs generally are very high. Furthermore, more of the elderly will be dying at older ages, ...
Finance and Economics Discussion Series
, Paper 1999-20
Conference Paper
The impact of demographic change on U. S. labor markets: discussion
Smith, James P.
As its title indicates, the paper by Jane Little and Robert Triest deals with the impact of some upcoming demographic changes on the U. S. labor market. The two changes highlighted are the well-documented population aging and immigration. According to the paper, the challenges raised by these changes are rising and high old-age dependency ratios because of declining numbers of workers to retirees, and slower productivity growth, since migrants tend to have less education than the native-born. ; I would only have quibbles, not quarrels, with their clear and balanced description of these future ...
Conference Series ; [Proceedings]
, Volume 46
Conference Paper
Policy implications of demographic change: panel discussion: the economic impact of demographic change: a case for more immigration
Cooper, Richard N.
By 2025, the world's population will have grown by another 1.8 billion or so, bringing it to roughly 8 billion. Ninety-five percent of the increment will be in what today are called developing countries; only 5 percent will be in the rich industrialized countries. Indeed, birth rates have fallen below the replacement rate (about 2.1 children per female of childbearing age) in all the rich countries, as well as in Slavic Europe, Russia, and China. The birth rate is down to 1.35 in Japan and to an extraordinary low of 1.2 in Italy. Demographic inertia will lead to continued population increase ...
Conference Series ; [Proceedings]
, Volume 46
, Pages 305-309
Journal Article
The impacts of new neighborhoods on poor families: evaluating the policy implications of the moving to opportunity demonstration
Goering, John
This paper was presented at the conference "Policies to Promote Affordable Housing," cosponsored by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and New York University's Furman Center for Real Estate and Urban Policy, February 7, 2002. It was part of Session 3: The Impact of Housing on People and Places.
Economic Policy Review
, Issue Jun
, Pages 113-140
Journal Article
Noteworthy: Demographics, natural gas, electric power
Orrenius, Pia M.
The regional economic outlook is quite positive. Broad-based hiring in every sector from energy to construction to services reflects the confidence employers have that the region is poised for sustained expansion
Southwest Economy
, Issue Q2
, Pages 14
Federal Reserve Bank of Boston 29 items
Federal Reserve Bank of New York 23 items
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 22 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago 13 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta 6 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City 5 items
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.) 4 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland 4 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas 4 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis 3 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond 3 items
Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco 3 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia 1 items
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Conference Series ; [Proceedings] 27 items
Speech 13 items
Staff Reports 9 items
Working Papers 9 items
Economic Policy Review 6 items
Economic Review 5 items
FRB Atlanta Working Paper 5 items
Review 5 items
Working Paper Series 5 items
Economic Perspectives 4 items
FRBSF Economic Letter 3 items
Southwest Economy 3 items
The Regional Economist 3 items
Chicago Fed Letter 2 items
Econ Focus 2 items
Economic Commentary 2 items
Working Papers (Old Series) 2 items
Assessing the Midwest Economy 1 items
Business Review 1 items
Current Issues in Economics and Finance 1 items
Economic Synopses 1 items
Economic and Financial Policy Review 1 items
Finance and Economics Discussion Series 1 items
International Finance Discussion Papers 1 items
National Economic Trends 1 items
New England Economic Review 1 items
Proceedings - Economic Policy Symposium - Jackson Hole 1 items
Profitwise 1 items
Regional Review 1 items
Richmond Fed Economic Brief 1 items
Staff Report 1 items
The Region 1 items
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FILTER BY Content Type
Journal Article 42 items
Conference Paper 29 items
Working Paper 23 items
Speech 13 items
Report 10 items
Newsletter 2 items
Briefing 1 items
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Dudley, William 6 items
Zavodny, Madeline 5 items
Poole, William 4 items
Wall, Howard J. 4 items
Yoo, Peter S. 4 items
Kolesnikova, Natalia A. 3 items
Little, Jane Sneddon 3 items
Toussaint-Comeau, Maude 3 items
Triest, Robert K. 3 items
anonymous 3 items
Black, Dan A. 2 items
Burtless, Gary 2 items
Engemann, Kristie M. 2 items
Ginther, Donna K. 2 items
Johnson, Kenneth M. 2 items
McGranahan, Leslie 2 items
Minehan, Cathy E. 2 items
Petersen, D'Ann M. 2 items
Rodriguez, Daniel 2 items
Sargent, Thomas J. 2 items
Taylor, Lowell J. 2 items
Williamson, Jeffrey G. 2 items
Zafar, Basit 2 items
Abel, Jaison R. 1 items
Alexander, Diane 1 items
Altonji, Joseph 1 items
Atkinson, Paul 1 items
Badel, Alejandro 1 items
Ballew, Paul D. 1 items
Barrow, Lisa 1 items
Bassetto, Marco 1 items
Bernanke, Ben S. 1 items
Bitler, Marianne 1 items
Boersch-Supan, Axel H. 1 items
Bosworth, Barry P. 1 items
Braconi, Frank 1 items
Bram, Jason 1 items
Bryan, Michael F. 1 items
Bullard, James B. 1 items
Butcher, Kristin F. 1 items
Byrne, Susan M. 1 items
Casari, Marco 1 items
Chamie, Joseph 1 items
Clement, Douglas 1 items
Cogley, Timothy 1 items
Cohen, Joel E. 1 items
Cooper, Richard N. 1 items
Cutler, David M. 1 items
Daniels, Glynis 1 items
De Nardi, Mariacristina 1 items
Devine, Theresa J. 1 items
Dey, Ishita 1 items
Doraszelski, Ulrich 1 items
Edwards, Ryan D. 1 items
Filardo, Andrew J. 1 items
Freeman, Lance 1 items
Gabe, Todd M. 1 items
Garriga, Carlos 1 items
Goering, John 1 items
Guerrieri, Veronica 1 items
Ham, John C. 1 items
Harkness, Joseph M. 1 items
Hartley, Daniel 1 items
Hernandez-Murillo, Ruben 1 items
Higgins, Matthew 1 items
Hill, John K. 1 items
Hurst, Erik 1 items
Imrohoroglu, Selahattin 1 items
Iyigun, Murat F. 1 items
Jaimovich, Nir 1 items
John, A. Andrew 1 items
Johnson, Richard 1 items
Kagel, John H. 1 items
Kitao, Sagiri 1 items
Kohn, Donald L. 1 items
Krainer, John 1 items
Kudlyak, Marianna 1 items
Laderman, Elizabeth 1 items
Lee, Ronald D. 1 items
Levine, David K. 1 items
Levitan, Mark K. 1 items
Livi-Bacci, Massimo 1 items
Lloyd, Cynthia B. 1 items
Lutz, Wolfgang P. 1 items
Martinek, Christopher J. 1 items
Mazumder, Bhashkar 1 items
McAndrews, James J. 1 items
McKay, Alisdair 1 items
Meyer, Brent 1 items
Modica, Salvatore 1 items
Mokyr, Joel 1 items
Mukoyama, Toshihiko 1 items
Nash, Betty Joyce 1 items
Newman, Sandra J. 1 items
Okah, Ebiere 1 items
Orr, James A. 1 items
Orrenius, Pia M. 1 items
Ott, Lesli S. 1 items
Owyang, Michael T. 1 items
Pakko, Michael R. 1 items
Paulson, Anna L. 1 items
Pollak, Robert A. 1 items
Poterba, James M. 1 items
Powers, Elizabeth T. 1 items
Rappaport, Jordan 1 items
Razin, Assaf 1 items
Reilly, Devin 1 items
Romero, Jessica Sackett 1 items
Rosenthal, Richard 1 items
Royer, Heather 1 items
Sadka, Efraim 1 items
Sahin, Aysegul 1 items
Sanders, Seth G. 1 items
Schill, Michael H. 1 items
Schiller, Timothy G. 1 items
Schnorbus, Robert H. 1 items
Schulhofer-Wohl, Sam 1 items
Segal, Lewis M. 1 items
Sheiner, Louise 1 items
Siu, Henry E. 1 items
Slivinski, Stephen 1 items
Smith, James P. 1 items
Steuerle, C. Eugene 1 items
Suarez-Orozco, Marcelo M. 1 items
Teitelbaum, Michael S. 1 items
Vandenbroucke, Guillaume 1 items
Venkatu, Guhan 1 items
Waller, Christopher J. 1 items
Weicher, John C. 1 items
Weil, David N. 1 items
Whalen, Denise 1 items
Wieler, Susan S. 1 items
Wiswall, Matthew 1 items
Yashiro, Naohiro 1 items
Yi, Kei-Mu 1 items
Zaretsky, Adam M. 1 items
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FILTER BY Jel Classification
FILTER BY Keywords
Demography 120 items
Economic conditions 33 items
Population 19 items
Labor market 11 items
Federal Reserve District, 2nd 9 items
Inflation (Finance) 9 items
Housing 8 items
Education 7 items
Emigration and immigration 7 items
Poverty 7 items
Housing - Prices 6 items
Regional economics 6 items
Social security 6 items
Federal Reserve Bank of New York 5 items
Fiscal policy 5 items
Monetary policy 5 items
Saving and investment 5 items
Unemployment 5 items
Consumption (Economics) 4 items
Credit 4 items
Government spending policy 4 items
Housing policy 4 items
Interest rates 4 items
Labor supply 4 items
Recessions 4 items
Retirement 4 items
Wages 4 items
Wealth 4 items
Consumer behavior 3 items
Employment 3 items
Federal Reserve District, 8th 3 items
Finance, Public 3 items
Housing - Finance 3 items
International trade 3 items
Labor turnover 3 items
Pensions 3 items
Productivity 3 items
College graduates 2 items
Community development 2 items
Economic conditions - New York (State) 2 items
Employment - New York (N.Y.) 2 items
Energy industries 2 items
Federal Reserve System 2 items
Financial crises 2 items
Foreclosure 2 items
Households - Economic aspects 2 items
Income 2 items
Income distribution 2 items
International liquidity 2 items
Medicaid 2 items
Metropolitan areas - Statistics 2 items
Middle West 2 items
Mortgages 2 items
Power resources - Prices 2 items
Prices 2 items
Supply and demand 2 items
Universities and colleges 2 items
Welfare 2 items
Human capital 2 items
African Americans - Economic conditions 1 items
Auctions 1 items
Bank loans 1 items
Bayesian statistical decision theory 1 items
Budget 1 items
Budget deficits 1 items
Business cycles 1 items
Business cycles - Econometric models 1 items
C-sections 1 items
Census 1 items
Chicago (Ill.) 1 items
Child care 1 items
Commodity exchanges 1 items
Competition 1 items
Consumer credit 1 items
Consumers 1 items
Cost and standard of living 1 items
Debt 1 items
Debts, Public 1 items
Detroit (Mich.) 1 items
Earned income tax credit 1 items
Economic conditions - New York (N.Y.) 1 items
Economic conditions - Puerto Rico 1 items
Economic development 1 items
Economic growth 1 items
Economic indicators 1 items
Economic policy 1 items
Economics 1 items
Education - Economic aspects 1 items
Emerging markets 1 items
Employee fringe benefits 1 items
Employment (Economic theory) 1 items
Exports 1 items
Financial markets 1 items
Financial risk management 1 items
Flow of funds 1 items
Global financial crisis 1 items
Government employees 1 items
Gross domestic product 1 items
Hispanic Americans - Population 1 items
Households - Finance 1 items
Housing - New York (N.Y.) 1 items
Housing market 1 items
Immigrants 1 items
Investments, Foreign - United States 1 items
Japan 1 items
Labor policy 1 items
Labor productivity 1 items
Low-income 1 items
Medicare 1 items
Metropolitan Areas 1 items
Migration, Internal 1 items
Minimum wage 1 items
New York (N.Y.) 1 items
Payroll tax 1 items
Population aging 1 items
Public policy 1 items
Rent 1 items
Rental housing 1 items
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Residential housing 1 items
Risk 1 items
Shipping 1 items
Subprime mortgage 1 items
Taylor's rule 1 items
Technology 1 items
Texas 1 items
Transportation - Fares 1 items
Uncertainty 1 items
Unemployment insurance 1 items
Urban economics 1 items
aggregate productivity 1 items
baby boom 1 items
inclusion 1 items
labor markets 1 items
minority 1 items
older people 1 items
prediction 1 items
productivity slowdown 1 items
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