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Keywords:Defined benefit pension plans 

Working Paper
Why do firms offer risky defined benefit pension plans?

Even risky pension sponsors could offer essentially riskless pension promises by contributing a sufficient level of resources to their pension trust funds and by investing those resources in fixed-income securities designed to deliver their payoffs just as pension obligations are coming due. However, almost no firm has chosen to fund its plan in this manner. We study the optimal funding choice for plan sponsors by developing a simple model of pension financing in which the total compensation offered to workers must clear the labor market. We find that if workers understand the implications of ...
Finance and Economics Discussion Series , Paper 2007-36

Working Paper
Footnotes aren’t enough: the impact of pension accounting on stock values

Some research has suggested that companies with defined benefit (DB) pensions are sometimes significantly misvalued by the market. This is because the measures of pension cost and pension net liabilities embedded in financial statements, taken at face value, can provide a very misleading picture of pension finances. The more pertinent information on pension finances is relegated to footnotes, but this might not receive much attention from portfolio managers. But dramatic swings in the financial conditions of large DB plans around the turn of the decade focused widespread attention on pension ...
Finance and Economics Discussion Series , Paper 2008-04

Journal Article
Pension deficit disorder

Local and state public pensions are trying to get traction on a slippery funding slope.
Fedgazette , Volume 18 , Issue May , Pages 1-7

Working Paper
Are firms or workers behind the shift away from DB pension plan?

One of the most striking changes in the composition of household retirement savings over the past 20 years has been the shift from defined benefit to defined contribution pension plans. Understanding the factors underlying this shift is important for determining its impact on retirement saving adequacy. Yet previous research, which has mostly focused on factors affecting all firms, such as regulation or increased longevity, has yielded little consensus. In this study we estimate the contribution of changing workforce characteristics and production environments to the shift in pension ...
Finance and Economics Discussion Series , Paper 2005-17

Journal Article
In case of pension emergency

Legislatures nationwide will no doubt be debating what to do about public pensions with large unfunded liabilities. Discussion of two options getting considerable attention.
Fedgazette , Volume 18 , Issue May , Pages 5

Deferred compensation, risk, and company value: investor reactions to CEO incentives

Many commentators have suggested that companies pay top executives with deferred compensation, a type of incentive known as inside debt. Recent SEC disclosure reforms greatly increased the transparency of deferred compensation. We investigate stockholder and bondholder reactions to companies' initial reports of their CEOs' inside debt positions in early 2007, when new disclosure rules took effect. We find that bond prices rise, equity prices fall, and the volatility of both securities drops upon disclosures by firms whose CEOs have sizable defined benefit pensions or deferred compensation. ...
Staff Reports , Paper 445

Journal Article
An actuarial balancing act

Debates over public pensions can quickly plunge into the pool of minutiae and tediousness.
Fedgazette , Volume 18 , Issue May , Pages 4

Journal Article
Is the pension system a liability?

Southwest Economy , Issue Sep , Pages 1, 7-12

Working Paper
Should risky firms offer risk-free DB pensions?

We develop a simple model of pension financing to study the effects of pension risk on shareholder value. In the model, firms minimize costs, total compensation must clear the labor market, and a government pension insurer guarantees a portion of promised benefits. We find that in the absence of mispriced pension insurance, the optimal pension strategy under most specifications is to immunize all sources of market risk. Mispriced pension insurance, however, gives firms the incentive to introduce risk into their pension promises, offering an explanation for some of the observed prevalence of ...
Finance and Economics Discussion Series , Paper 2009-20

Pay with Promises or Pay as You Go? Lessons from the Death Spiral of Detroit

As part of compensation, municipal employees typically receive promises of future benefits. Motivated by the recent bankruptcy of Detroit, we develop a model of the equilibrium size of a city and use it to analyze how pay-with-promises schemes interact with city growth. The paper examines the circumstances under which a death spiral arises, where cutbacks of city services and increases in taxes lead to an exodus of residents, compounding financial distress. The model is put to work to analyze issues such as the welfare effects of having cities absorb pension risk and how unions affect the ...
Staff Report , Paper 501



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