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Keywords:Default (Finance) 

Working Paper
Liquidity problems and early payment default among subprime mortgages

The lack of property tax escrow accounts among subprime mortgages causes borrowers to make large lump-sum tax payments that reduce liquidity. Different property tax collection dates across states and counties create exogenous variation in the time between loan origination and the first property tax due date, affording the opportunity to estimate the causal effect of loan-level exposure to liquidity reductions on mortgage default. We find that a nine-month delay in owing property taxes reduces the probability of first-year default by about 4 percent, or about one-third of the effect of a ...
Finance and Economics Discussion Series , Paper 2011-09

Working Paper
Homeownership for the long run: an analysis of homeowner subsidies

This paper examines the impact of interest-rate and down-payment subsidies on default rates and losses given default, and finds that down-payment subsidies create successful homeowners at a lower cost than interest-rate subsidies.
Working Papers (Old Series) , Paper 1021

Working Paper
Empirical analysis of corporate credit lines

Since bank credit lines are a major source of corporate funding and liquidity, we examine the determinants of credit line usage with a database of Spanish corporate credit lines. A line's default status is the primary factor driving its usage, which increases as a firm approaches default. Several lender characteristics suggest an important role for bank monitoring in firms' usage decisions. Credit line usage is found to be inversely related to macroeconomic conditions. Overall, while several factors influence corporate credit line usage, our analysis suggests that default and supply-side ...
Working Paper Series , Paper 2007-14

Working Paper
Did bankruptcy reform cause mortgage default rates to rise?

This paper argues that the U.S. bankruptcy reform of 2005 played an important role in the mortgage crisis and the current recession. When debtors file for bankruptcy, credit card debt and other types of debt are discharged - thus loosening debtors' budget constraints. Homeowners in financial distress can therefore use bankruptcy to avoid losing their homes, since filing allows them to shift funds from paying other debts to paying their mortgages. But a major reform of U.S. bankruptcy law in 2005 raised the cost of filing and reduced the amount of debt that is discharged. The authors argue ...
Working Papers , Paper 10-16

Working Paper
Maturity, indebtedness, and default risk

In this paper, the authors present a new approach to incorporating long-term debt into equilibrium models of unsecured debt and default. They make three sets of contributions. First, the authors advance the theory of sovereign debt begun in Eaton and Gersovitz (1981) by proving the existence of an equilibrium price function with the property that the interest rate on debt is increasing in the amount borrowed. Second, using Argentina as a test case, they show that unlike a one-period debt model, their model of long-term debt is capable of accounting for the average external debt-to-output ...
Working Papers , Paper 10-12

Working Paper
Strategic default on first and second lien mortgages during the financial crisis

Strategic default behavior suggests that the default process is not only a matter of inability to pay. Economic costs and benefits affect the incidence and timing of defaults. As with prior research, the authors find that people default strategically as their home value falls below the mortgage value (exercise the put option to default on their first mortgage). While some of these homeowners default on both first mortgages and second lien home equity lines, a large portion of the delinquent borrowers have kept their second lien current during the recent financial crisis. These second liens, ...
Working Papers , Paper 11-3

Working Paper
Mortgage defaults

We present a model in which households facing income and housing-price shocks use long-term mortgages to purchase houses. Interest rates on mortgages reflect the risk of default. The model accounts for observed patterns of housing consumption, mortgage borrowing, and defaults. We use the model as a laboratory to evaluate default-prevention policies. While recourse mortgages make the penalty for default harsher and thus may lower the default rate, they also lower equity and increase payments and thus may increase the default rate. Introducing loan-to-value (LTV) limits for new mortgages ...
Working Papers , Paper 2011-019

The shape of the recovery

Remarks at the Connecticut Business and Industry Association/MetroHartford Alliance Economic Summit and Outlook 2011, Hartford, Connecticut
Speech , Paper 40

Working Paper
Asset liquidity, debt valuation and credit risk

This paper presents a structural debt valuation model that links default probabilities and recovery rates of corporate securities to asset market liquidity. This linking is advantageous for risk management and regulation of financial institutions in that it provides a method of calibrating the relationship between probability of default (PD) and loss given default (LGD). Two innovations in the paper are the placing of the default point in a model of debt valuation into general equilibrium and conditioning this point on market factors such as asset liquidity. These allow one to derive ...
Supervisory Research and Analysis Working Papers , Paper QAU07-5

Working Paper
Do countries default in “bad times”?

This paper uses a new dataset to study the relationship between economic output and sovereign default for the period 1820-2004. We find a negative but surprisingly weak relationship between output and default. Throughout history, countries have indeed defaulted during bad times (when output was relatively low), but they have also maintained debt service in the face of severe adverse shocks, and they have defaulted when domestic economic conditions were favorable. We show that this constitutes a puzzle for standard theories, which predict a much tighter negative relationship as default ...
Working Paper Series , Paper 2007-17


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Working Paper 30 items

Journal Article 9 items

Report 8 items

Speech 4 items

Conference Paper 1 items

Discussion Paper 1 items

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Chatterjee, Satyajit 6 items

Hatchondo, Juan Carlos 5 items

Martinez, Leonardo 5 items

Elul, Ronel 4 items

Eyigungor, Burcu 4 items

Tracy, Joseph 4 items

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FILTER BY Keywords

Default (Finance) 53 items

Debt 14 items

Mortgage loans 10 items

Credit 7 items

Mortgages 7 items

Bonds 5 items

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