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Working Paper
Nonlinear Effects of Loan-to-Value Constraints

This paper investigates the impact of loan-to-value (LtV) borrowing constraints in models with occasionally binding credit constraints. These constraints give rise to a Fisherian debt-deflation mechanism, where exogenous shocks can trigger cascading effects resulting in significant declines in consumption, asset prices, and borrowing reversals—characteristic of financial crises. However, recent literature challenges traditional view by suggesting that collateral constraints may not always exacerbate financial disturbances but could instead foster dynamics leading to multiple equilibria. ...
Finance and Economics Discussion Series , Paper 2024-081

Working Paper
Inequality and Asset Prices during Sudden Stops

This paper studies the cross-sectional dimension of Fisher’s debt-deflation mechanism that triggers Sudden Stop crises. Analyzing microdata from Mexico, we show that this dimension has macroeconomic implications that operate via opposing effects. We propose a small open economy, asset-pricing model with heterogeneous-agents and aggregate risk to measure the effects of inequality during crises. In contrast to a representative-agent model, heterogeneity generates persistent current account reversals with smaller drops in asset prices and larger drops in consumption driven by the leveraged ...
International Finance Discussion Papers , Paper 1388

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